The goal of my PhD thesis is to write a grammar on Swo, a Bantu language of central Cameroon (A82 in Guthrie's reference system). Swo has between 9,000 and 12,000 speakers and is spoken primarily by a sedentary, agricultural community in the rain forest. Besides some small unpublished documents by SIL-Cameroon, to my knowledge a large study of the language has not been done yet.
Swo is part of the North-Western Bantu languages, which are known to differ from most other members of the Bantu family. It is important to study these languages in order to better understand the family as a whole. The aim of my PhD thesis is therefore to contribute to our knowledge about Bantu languages by writing a comprehensive grammar on one of them.
| 2019-Currently: PhD; A grammar of the language Swo (Bantu A82), directed by Lolke van der Veen (ULL2, Lyon) and Mark Van de Velde (LLACAN, Villejuif)
| Diplomas :
- 2016-2018: Master Science du langage, Université Lyon 2
- 2012-2016: Bachelor Langue et culture françaises, Université d'Utrecht (Netherlands)
| Extra-curricular activities:
- 2019-2020: Vice-President for the international students, Collectif de solidarité étudiante in Lyon
- 2015-2016: Volunteer for the Erasmus Students Network in Utrecht (Netherlands)
- 2014-2015: Erasmus exchange, two semesters, Paris - La Sorbonne (Histoire de l'art)
- 2013-2014: Honours Programme of the Humanities (collaborative project), Utrecht University (Netherlands)
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| Typology
| Fieldwork |
| Bantu linguistics |
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| DDL research seminars:
- 2021-Currently: Co-organiser of the seminar 'Atelier Language origins and linguistic diversity' with Brigitte Pakendorf
- 2020-Currently: Organiser of the 'Workshops for DDL's PhD students' with Marc Tang
| Communications for the general public:
- September 2021: European night of research; commentary of a documentary and round table discussion (La Rotonde St-Étienne)
- April 2021: Supervision of two high school interns to introduce them to the world of science (association Un Peu De Bon Science !)
- September 2020: European night of research; short video to explain fieldwork (La Rotonde St-Étienne)
| Journals:
- 2020-currently: Editor in chief for Missile, Têtes Chercheuses, Lyon
- 2018-currently: Peer reviewer for LingUU, Utrecht University (Netherlands)
| Research assistant:
- April-August 2016: Utrecht University (Netherlands), TinT project
- November 2015: Utrecht University (Netherlands), TinT project
- Link to the project: http://timealign.pythonanywhere.com/
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| 2020-Currently: Representant of the PhD students in DDL's lab council |
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| Fieldwork in Cameroon, in the village Emvane-Sso :
- February-March 2020: third fieldwork trip (two months, PhD)
- April/May 2019: second fieldwork trip (six weeks, personal initiative)
- April/May 2018: first fieldwork trip (four weeks, Master internship, directed by Lolke van der Veen)
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| Linguistics schools:
- 2019: FieldLing, Paris (campus CNRS Villejuif) ; training in fieldwork
- 2017: LOT Winter School, Nijmegen (Netherlands) ; training in Python
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