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Guillaume, A., 2008, "A Grammar of Cavineña", Berlin & New York, Mouton de Gruyter, xxxiv, 900 p., Mouton Grammar Library [MGL 44], 9783110188424 (Editeur, version EEG online)  (Couverture)


Guillaume, A., 2013, "Les langues takana d’Amazonie bolivienne : documentation, description, typologie, morphosyntaxe historique et aréale ", Thèse d'Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Département des Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2


Guillaume, A., 2004, "A Grammar of Cavineña, an Amazonian Language of Northern Bolivia", Thèse de Doctorat (Ph.D.), Research Centre for Linguistic Typology, La Trobe University, Melbourne (Australie)


Guillaume, A., 2000, "Le Cavineña : Éléments de Morpho-syntaxe", Mémoire de DEA, Département des Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2

Livros editados

Guillaume, A. & Koch, H. (eds), 2021, "Associated Motion", Berlin & Boston, De Gruyter Mouton, 923 p., 978-3-11-069200-6 (Editeur)  (Couverture)


Guillaume, A. & Gildea, S. (eds), 2018, "The evolution of argument coding patterns in South American languages", Journal of Historicial Linguistics, 8:1, 167 p. p. (journal issue)  (Couverture)


Guillaume, A. & Valenzuela, P. (eds), 2017, "Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: fonología, morfología y sintaxis", vol. 39:1 & vol. 39:2, Paris, Amerindia, 506 p. (journal issue)  (Couverture)


Guillaume, A. & Rose, F. (eds), 2011, "Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages", 77:4, International Journal of American Linguistics, 162 p. (journal issue)

Capítulos em livros

Guillaume, A., To appear, "Takanan languages", in Amazonian Languages. An International Handbook, Epps, P. & Michael, L. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton


Guillaume, A., 2022, "Negation in Tacana (Amazonian Bolivia): Synchronic description and diachronic reconstruction", in The Negative Existential Cycle, 2, Veselinova, L. & Hamari, A. (eds), Research on Comparative Grammar, Berlin, Language Science Press, pp. 519–552 (Editeur)


Guillaume, A. & Koch, H., 2021, "Introduction: associated motion as a grammatical category in linguistic typology ", in Associated Motion, Guillaume, A. & Koch, H. (eds), Empirical Approaches to Language Typology [EALT 64], De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 3-30


Guillaume, A., 2018, "From ergative case-marking to hierarchical agreement: a reconstruction of the argument-marking system of Reyesano (Takanan, Bolivia)", in Typological hierarchies in synchrony and diachrony, Cristofaro, S. & Zúñiga, F. (eds), Typological Studies in Language 121, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 217-256


Guillaume, A., 2014, "The Interaction of Reduplication with Word Classes and Transitivity in Cavineña", in Reduplication in Indigenous Languages of South America, Goodwin Gómez, G. & van der Voort, H. (eds), Studies in the Indigenous Languages of the Americas 7, Leiden, Brill, pp. 313-342

Artigos em revistas

Guillaume, A., 2024, "Associated motion, associated posture and imperfective aspect in Tacana (Amazonian Bolivia) ", Studies in Language, 48:4, pp. 851-908


Guillaume, A., 2018, "The grammatical expression of emotions in Tacana and other Takanan languages", Studies in Language (Special issue on 'Morphology and emotions across the world’s languages', edited by M. Ponsonnet & M. Vuillermet), 42:1, pp. 114-145


Gildea, S. & Guillaume, A., 2018, "Introduction: The evolution of argument coding patterns in South American languages", Journal of Historical Linguistics (Special issue on 'The evolution of argument coding patterns in South American languages', edited by A. Guillaume & S. Gildea)), 8:1, pp. 1-6


Guillaume, A., 2017, "Sistemas complejos de movimiento asociado en las lenguas Takana y Pano: perspectivas descriptiva, tipológica e histórico-comparativa", Amerindia (Numéro thématique: Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: fonología, morfología y sintaxis, edited by A. Guillaume & P. M. Valenzuela), 39:1, pp. 211-261


Valenzuela, P. & Guillaume, A., 2017, "Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: una introducción", Amerindia (Numéro thématique: Estudios sincrónicos y diacrónicos sobre lenguas Pano y Takana: fonología, morfología y sintaxis, edited by A. Guillaume & P. M. Valenzuela), 39:1, pp. 1-49

Communicações publicadas em atas

Guillaume, A., 2000, "Directionals versus associated motions in Cavineña", proc. of LACUS Forum XXVI: The lexicon, Edmonton (Alberta, Canada), August, 3-7, Melby, A. & Lommel, A. (eds), pp. 395-401  (pdf)

Conferências para as quais foi convidado(a) num colóquio

Guillaume, A., 2010, "Los morfemas verbales de movimiento asociado en cavineña: ¿Verbos compuestos, verbos seriales, u otros?", proc. of Simposium: Expresión de nociones espaciales. Coloquio Internacional Amazonicas III: Fonología y sintaxis, Bogota, Colombia, April, 19-24


Guillaume, A., 2009, "Cavineña 'associated motion' suffixes: their meanings and discourse function", proc. of Transalpine Typology Meeting, Bern, Switzerland, January, 22-24

Outro conferências para as quais foi convidado(a)

Guillaume, A., 2022, "Associated Motion: a typological introduction", Online meeting of the ANR projet SALTA “Spatial Asymmetries across Languages: a Typological Approach”, invited conference, March 10


Guillaume, A., 2016, "Split ergative marking in Tacana: towards a historical reconstruction of a counter-universal pattern", Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, February 19


Guillaume, A., 2014, "Grammatical relations and language obsolescence: deobligatorification of ergative case marking in Tacana (Tacanan, Bolivia)", Séminaire du laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, Laboratoire DDL, Lyon, 7 octobre


Guillaume, A., 2013, "Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger d'Amazonie", La Clé des Langues, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, 3 novembre


Guillaume, A., 2012, "Estudio comparativo de los sistemas de movimiento asociado en las lenguas Takana y Pano ", Facultad de Letras y Ciencas Humanas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Lima, Peru, April 24

Outras conferências

Guillaume, A., 2024, "“Lexical affixes” of associated motion and associated posture in Tacana and beyond", 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE57), Workshop on "Lexical affixes", University of Helsinki (Finland), 21-24 August 2024


Guillaume, A., 2023, "Associated motion and associated posture in Tacana and other South American languages", Coloquio Internacional Amazónicas IX: Estructura de las lenguas amazónicas, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (Colombia), 5-9 June


Guillaume, A. & De Pasquale, N., 2021, "Associated motion in Western Sicilian: a preliminary account", Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE54), Digital conference, August 30 - September 3


Guillaume, A., 2019, "Associated motion & ‘associated posture’ in Tacana (Takanan family, Amazonian Bolivia)", 13th Conference of the Association of Linguistic Typology (ALT), University of Pavia (Italy), 4-6 September


Guillaume, A., 2018, "The grammar of negation in Tacana (Takanan, Amazonian Bolivia)", Workshop: “Negation in the languages of the world”. Syntax of the World's Languages VIII. , INALCO, Paris, 3-5 September

Filme ou rádio

Guillaume, A. & Zariquiey, R., 2017, ""Roberto Zariquiey - Les langues qui disparaissent", interview de Roberto Zariquiey par Antoine Guillaume filmée et réalisée par Christophe Delory pour le Collegium de Lyon.", 11 min (Accès à la vidéo)


Guillaume, A., Manus, S. & Van der Veen, L., 2007, "Les Langues en Danger", une émission télévisée Cap Sup, Cap Canal, présentée par Claude Costechareyre, réalisée par Vivian Gateau et produite par Philippe Meirieu", France, Cap Canal, Ville de Lyon, 1h,


Guillaume, A., 2006, "Linguistique de documentation du cavineña et du reyesano, entretien filmé conduit par E. de Pablo (FMSH-ESCoM), Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales", 2h23 (Accès aux vidéos)

Base de dados em linha

Guillaume, A. & Rose, F., 2020[2006], "Questionnaire on sociative causative", Url


Guillaume, A., 2015, "Cavineña", Url


Guillaume, A., 2005, "Documentation of Reyesano", Url (Handle)

Trabalho não publicado

Guillaume, A. & Van der Veen, L., 2008, "Rapport d’activité pour l’Université d’été internationale 3L sur la documentation et la description des langues tenue à Lyon, du 24 juin au 3 juillet 2008", DDL, pp. 6


Guillaume, A., 2008, "Diccionario reyesano (maropa)-castellano, con apuntes gramaticales", Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (CNRS & Université Lyon 2), pp. 92


Guillaume, A., 1996, "Propuesta de alfabeto y ficha técnica del pueblo Cavineño", Subsecretaría de Asuntos Étnicos. La Paz: Central Indígena Del Oriente Boliviano y UNICEF., pp. 17

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