Training and professional background
Research interests
Scientific activities
Administration activities
Awards and research grants
Participation in research projects
Other international activities
Main publications and conferences
 | Training:
- 2020 - Currently Ph.D in Linguistics
University Lumière - Lyon 2, Dynamique Du Langage, Doctoral school 3LA
Title: Etude typologique de l'expression de la Trajectoire [Typological study of Path expression]
Directed by: Alice Vittrant (DDL-CNRS/Université Lyon 2)
- 2017 - 2019 Master's degree in Linguistics
Aix-Marseille Université
Dissertation: Grammaticalisation des verbes directionnels en thaï [Grammaticalisation of directional verbs in Thai]
Directed by: Alice Vittrant (DDL-CNRS/Aix-Marseille Université)
 | Professional background:
- December 2019 Transcription
MPF Project (Multicultural Paris French)
- September - December 2018 Tutoring
Aix-Marseille Université, Department of Linguistics
- May - September 2017 Data management
CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research)
Digitalisation, segmentation and normalisation of West African linguistic data (Pulaar, Wolof)
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 | South-East Asia linguistic area: Tai languages, Central Thai, Shan
 | Morphosyntax: classifiers and class terms, serial verb constructions, valency and diathesis
 | Spatial domain: typology of Path, Dynamic Deixis, fictive motion |
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 | EuroSEAS 2022: Panel with Léa Mouton. Language and Society in Southeast Asia: Communities, politics, and planning .
 | Summer school Annotations, 30 May - 3 June 2022, Banyuls-sur-Mer (France). GdR LIFT. |
 | Seminar "Semantic Typology" (DDL)
- 2021: Path, Manner, Deixis : Towards a semantic typology of Motion events
 | LCT Master seminar (Aix-Marseille Université)
- 2022: Polyfonctionnalité en Asie du Sud-Est: L'emprunt dans les chemins de grammaticalisation [Polyfunctionality in South-East Asia: Loans in grammaticalization paths] (with Léa Mouton)
 | Seminar Crosslinguistic regularity in diachronic semantic change: Typology and contact in Asia (EHESS, 2022)
- Motion in Tai and (S)EA languages: Motion and Associated Motion
- Possession in Tai: Central Thai, Lao, and Dai Lü
 | Seminar Areality of polysemy and semantic change in the languages of China and South-East Asia (EHESS, 2021)
- Object-marking in Tai languages
 | Workshop PHC Franco-Siam : The linguistic landscape of Chiang Mai (DDL/Lyon 2, 2024)
- Language policies in Thailand
 | Scientific committee of Emerging Topics in Typology (ETT), Stockholm 2024 |
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 | 2021 - Currently
Member of the Lab board |
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 | Thailand, November 2022
Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Bang Saen
Motion description in Tai languages
Central Thai, Southern Thai, Isan Thai, Kam Mueang |
 | Thailand, October 2023
Mae Sot, Chiang Mai
Motion description in Shan (Tai Yai) |
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 | Ph.D Scholarship 2020 - 2023 :
Projet SpOTy (Spatial Ontology and Typology)
ASLAN (Advanced Studies on LANguage complexity), Université de Lyon
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 | SALTA Project (Spatial Asymmetries across Languages: a Typological Approach)
ANR (National Research Agency)
Coordinators: Benjamin Fagard (LATTICE), Christine Lamarre (CRLAO/INALCO), Anetta Kopecka (DDL/Lyon 2), Alice Vittrant (DDL/Lyon 2)
 | SpOTy project (Spatial Ontology and Typology)
ASLAN, Université de Lyon
Coordinators: Alice Vittrant (DDL/Lyon 2), Pierre-Antoine Champin (LIRIS)
 | Hubert Curien (PHC) SIAM Programme
The linguistic landscape of Chiang Mai : Indigenous and Diaspora Languages
Coordinators: Alice Vittrant (DDL/Lyon 2), Mathias Jenny (Chiang Mai University)
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 | Contemporary French for Speaking
2022 - 2023, Winter semester
Burapha University (Thailand), Bachelor in French Studies, 4th year |
 | Syntax (tutorial class)
2021 - 2022, Spring semester
Aix-Marseille Université, Licence 2, Department of Linguistics |
 | Methodology (tutorial class)
2021 - 2022, Spring semester
Université Lumière - Lyon 2, Licence 1 ’Language & Communication’ |
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 | EuroSEAS 2022 : Support team |
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PhDs and master thesis
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Seifen, K., 2019, "Grammaticalisation des verbes directionnels en thaï", Mémoire de Master 2, Sciences du Langage, Faculté ALLSH, Aix-Marseille Université, Aix-en-Provence |
Chapters in books
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Seifen, K., 2023, "La préparation des données pour une typologie et une ontologie de l’expression du
déplacement", in Étudier le Langage à l’Ère Numérique - Actes des 25èmes Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC) en Sciences du Langage, Carmelo, A., Caillol, C., Morin, C., Velasquez Perez, M. & Zhao, C. (eds), HAL, pp. 28-45 |
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Seifen, K. & Bunkham, N., 2022, "Apport des corpus linguistiques: Étude de "aller" et "venir" en français et en thaï", Moussons, 40:2, pp. 65-90 |
Invited presentations
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Mouton, L. & Seifen, K., 2022, "Polyfonctionnalité en Asie du Sud-Est : l'emprunt dans les chemins de grammaticalisation", Journée d'étude « L'emprunt lexical : quoi, pourquoi, comment et avec quelles conséquences ? », Université Aix-Marseille, 19 avril 2022 |
Conference presentations
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Vittrant, A., Jenny, M., Apiwong, T., Rattanapitak, A., Tin, H., Voisin, S., Wilson, A., Chaiyaros, P., Seifen, K. & Sinsurin, B., 2024, "Visualizing Myanmar communities in Chiang Mai past and present", Myanmar Borderlands Conference, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 17-19/06/2024 |
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Seifen, K., 2024, "Motion expression in Shan compared to Burmese and Thai", 4th International Conference Burma/Myanmar Studies (ICBMS4), Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 2-4/08/2024 |
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Vittrant, A., Seifen, K. & Champin, P.A., 2023, "Expression of Goal and Source in Burmese: Is there an asymmetry?", 56th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL), Bangkok, 10-12/10/2023 |
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Seifen, K., Vittrant, A. & Champin, P.A., 2023, "Ontologie ou le traitement de données pour une typologie du déplacement", glose2023 : Corpus Glosés: de la construction à l'exploitation automatique, Paris, France, 28/06/2023 |
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Mouton, L. & Seifen, K., 2022, "Voice constructions in Southeast Asian Languages: Thai and Black Hmong examples", SEALS 31, Hawaii, 18-20 / 06 (poster) |