| Dernière mise à jour : 04/01/2023 |
- lectrice, Université Lyon3
☎ 04 72 72 65 23
✉ jinke.song777@gmail.com
- Axes :
- Diversité Linguistique et ses Sources
- 2022
Doctorat en Sciences du Langage, École doctorale 3LA, Université Lumière Lyon 2 & Laboratoire DDL.
"Dynamic Deixis in the expression of motion events - A typological study of Standard Chinese", sous la direction d'Anetta Kopecka (Université Lumière Lyon 2 & Laboratoire DDL) en co-direction avec Christine Lamarre (Inalco & Laboratoire CRLAO).
Master en Sciences du Langage (spécialité recherche), Université Lumière Lyon 2.
"Étude typologique des expressions du déplacement causé en chinois mandarin", sous la direction d'Anetta Kopecka (Université Lumière Lyon 2 & Laboratoire DDL).
- linguistique typologique et sémantique cognitive
- deixis dynamique, verbes et directionels "aller/venir"
- (a)symétrie Source/But
- langues sinitiques
- expression spatiale
- 2016-2019
Financement de thèse: China Scholarship Council.
- 2015-2018
Projet Deixis dynamique, Fédération de Recherche en Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques (Resp. Alice Vittrant & Anetta Kopecka).
TUL - Deixis dynamique
- Lecture
Cycle de conférences du Pr. Leonard Talmy How Language Represents Motion, ENS de Paris, 15-20 mai 2017.
Summer School
International Summer School on Typology and Lexicon - TyLex, Moscou, 2-8 septembre 2017.
European Summer School in Linguistic Typology - TypoLing 2016, Porquerolles, France, 4-16 septembre 2016.
- Thèses et mémoires
Song, J.K., 2015, "Étude typologique des expressions du déplacement causé en chinois mandarin", mémoire de M2, Sciences du langage, Université Lumière Lyon2, 142, 142 p. - Chapitres dans les ouvrages
Lamarre, C., Vittrant, A., Kopecka, A., Voisin, S., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C., Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A. & Voirin, C., 2022, "Deictic directionals revisited in the light of advances in typology", in Neglected Aspects of Motion Events Description: Deixis, asymmetries, constructions, Sarda, L. & Fagard, B. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 69-94. - Communications
Voirin, C., Song, J.K. & Kopecka, A., 2019, "The encoding of dynamic deixis in motion event: A crosslinguistic exploratory study", International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 15), Nishinomiya, Japan, 6-11 August 2019. Song, J.K., 2019, "The encoding of Dynamic Deixis in Standard Chinese - an investigation of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors", Symposium on Deixis in language – From gestures to words, Rijeka, Croatia, 28-29 June 2019 Song, J.K., 2018, "The encoding of Dynamic Deixis in motion descriptions and dialogues in Standard Chinese and Beijing Mandarin: A preliminary analysis", 2018 Seminar on Linguistic Typology and the Expressions of Motion Events in Languages in China, Changshu, China, 21-23 December, 2018 Vittrant, A., Lamarre, C., Voisin, S., Kopecka, A., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C., Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A. & Voirin, C., 2017, "Revising the category of directionals in the light of advances in typology", NAMED, International workshop on "Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description", ENS, Paris, 19-20 mai 2017. Song, J.K., 2017, "Source-Goal (A)symmetry: A study of spontaneous and caused motion events in Mandarin Chinese", NAMED, International workshop on ”Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description", ENS, Paris, France, 19-20 mai 2017 Song, J.K., 2017, "Source-Goal Asymmetry: A comparison of spontaneous and caused motion events in Mandarin Chinese", IACL 25, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics , Budapest, Hungary, 24-27 June 2017 Song, J.K., 2017, "Directional complements in caused motion events in Mandarin Chinese: A case of the asymmetry in the use of lai 'come' and qu 'go'", ICLC14, 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Tartu, Estonia, 10-13 July 2017 Song, J.K., 2017, "The expression of dynamic deixis in spontaneous and caused motion events: a typological study of Mandarin Chinese", 3rd Biennial Conference on Language Typology in China and the World, Shanghai, China, 14-16 July 2017 Song, J.K., 2016, "Une liste de bibliographie trans-linguistique sur des ressources morphosyntaxiques de "aller/venir" dans une perspective typologique", Réunion Deixis dynamique, Lyon, 30 Septembre Song, J.K., 2015, "L'asymétrie de source/but "lai" et "qu" dans le déplacement causé en chinois mandarin", Réunion Deixis dynamique, Paris, 13 Novembre