Dernière mise à jour : 04/01/2023


  • lectrice, Université Lyon3

☎ 04 72 72 65 23


  • Axes :
  • Diversité Linguistique et ses Sources


  • 2022
    Doctorat en Sciences du Langage, École doctorale 3LA, Université Lumière Lyon 2 & Laboratoire DDL.
    "Dynamic Deixis in the expression of motion events - A typological study of Standard Chinese", sous la direction d'Anetta Kopecka (Université Lumière Lyon 2 & Laboratoire DDL) en co-direction avec Christine Lamarre (Inalco & Laboratoire CRLAO).

  • 2015
    Master en Sciences du Langage (spécialité recherche), Université Lumière Lyon 2.
    "Étude typologique des expressions du déplacement causé en chinois mandarin", sous la direction d'Anetta Kopecka (Université Lumière Lyon 2 & Laboratoire DDL).

    • linguistique typologique et sémantique cognitive
    • deixis dynamique, verbes et directionels "aller/venir"
    • (a)symétrie Source/But
    • langues sinitiques
    • expression spatiale


    • 2016-2019
      Financement de thèse: China Scholarship Council.


    • 2015-2018
      Projet Deixis dynamique, Fédération de Recherche en Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques (Resp. Alice Vittrant & Anetta Kopecka). TUL - Deixis dynamique


    • Lecture

      Cycle de conférences du Pr. Leonard Talmy How Language Represents Motion, ENS de Paris, 15-20 mai 2017.

  • Summer School

    International Summer School on Typology and Lexicon - TyLex, Moscou, 2-8 septembre 2017.

    European Summer School in Linguistic Typology - TypoLing 2016, Porquerolles, France, 4-16 septembre 2016.

    • Thèses et mémoires
      • Song, J.K., 2015, "Étude typologique des expressions du déplacement causé en chinois mandarin", mémoire de M2, Sciences du langage, Université Lumière Lyon2, 142, 142 p.

    • Chapitres dans les ouvrages
      • Lamarre, C., Vittrant, A., Kopecka, A., Voisin, S., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C., Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A. & Voirin, C., 2022, "Deictic directionals revisited in the light of advances in typology", in Neglected Aspects of Motion Events Description: Deixis, asymmetries, constructions, Sarda, L. & Fagard, B. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 69-94.

    • Communications
      • Voirin, C., Song, J.K. & Kopecka, A., 2019, "The encoding of dynamic deixis in motion event: A crosslinguistic exploratory study", International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 15), Nishinomiya, Japan, 6-11 August 2019.

      • Song, J.K., 2019, "The encoding of Dynamic Deixis in Standard Chinese - an investigation of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors", Symposium on Deixis in language – From gestures to words, Rijeka, Croatia, 28-29 June 2019

      • Song, J.K., 2018, "The encoding of Dynamic Deixis in motion descriptions and dialogues in Standard Chinese and Beijing Mandarin: A preliminary analysis", 2018 Seminar on Linguistic Typology and the Expressions of Motion Events in Languages in China, Changshu, China, 21-23 December, 2018

      • Vittrant, A., Lamarre, C., Voisin, S., Kopecka, A., Bon, N., Fagard, B., Grinevald, C., Moyse-Faurie, C., Risler, A., Song, J.K., Tan, A. & Voirin, C., 2017, "Revising the category of directionals in the light of advances in typology", NAMED, International workshop on "Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description", ENS, Paris, 19-20 mai 2017.

      • Song, J.K., 2017, "Source-Goal (A)symmetry: A study of spontaneous and caused motion events in Mandarin Chinese", NAMED, International workshop on ”Neglected Aspects of Motion-Event Description", ENS, Paris, France, 19-20 mai 2017

      • Song, J.K., 2017, "Source-Goal Asymmetry: A comparison of spontaneous and caused motion events in Mandarin Chinese", IACL 25, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics , Budapest, Hungary, 24-27 June 2017

      • Song, J.K., 2017, "Directional complements in caused motion events in Mandarin Chinese: A case of the asymmetry in the use of lai 'come' and qu 'go'", ICLC14, 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Tartu, Estonia, 10-13 July 2017

      • Song, J.K., 2017, "The expression of dynamic deixis in spontaneous and caused motion events: a typological study of Mandarin Chinese", 3rd Biennial Conference on Language Typology in China and the World, Shanghai, China, 14-16 July 2017

      • Song, J.K., 2016, "Une liste de bibliographie trans-linguistique sur des ressources morphosyntaxiques de "aller/venir" dans une perspective typologique", Réunion Deixis dynamique, Lyon, 30 Septembre

      • Song, J.K., 2015, "L'asymétrie de source/but "lai" et "qu" dans le déplacement causé en chinois mandarin", Réunion Deixis dynamique, Paris, 13 Novembre