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Congratulations to Aitana Garcia Arasco for receiving the 2024 Aldis Award from the International Society for Human Ethology, which will fund her project "Non-verbal vocalisations in a cross-cultural ethological perspective". This award encourages cutting-edge research on human behavior using biological methods, with a focus on observational studies in natural environments.


Congratulations to David Ginebra for receiving the Jason Tuzon 2023 Prize at its 5th edition for his master's thesis "A phonological description of Yamalero, the language of ethnic Yaruro in the Colombian Eastern Plains," awarded by the Grup d’Estudi de Llengües Amenaçades at the University of Barcelona, the Xarxa Vives d’Universitats, and Òmnium Cultural.


Congratulations to Rémi Anselme for receiving an honorable mention at the 2023 Thesis Prize from the University Lumière Lyon 2 for his thesis titled: "The representation of the trill in typology: from acoustic features to phonemic inventory." The jury awarded 3 prizes, and considering the quality of the applications, they also decided to grant 3 honorable mentions.


Congratulations to Katarzyna Pisanski, winner of the 2023 CNRS Bronze Medal! "The bronze medal rewards initial research that has established a researcher as a specialist in their field. This distinction is a form of encouragement to pursue research that is already well underway and proving successful."

A synthesis of her work to read online.


Congratulations to Mathilde Josserand who received the James Hurford Prize for best Student Paper 2022 as Runner up for her presentation entitled "The color lexicon is shaped by environment and biology: comparing Himba and French colour perception" at the Joint Conference of Language Evolution (JCoLe). Congrats to her !


Congratulations to Esteban Diaz Montenegro whose thesis El habla nasa (páez) de Munchique (Colombia) (Université Lumière Lyon 2) has been awarded a Honorable Mention for the 2022 Mary Haas Book Award of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas.


Congratulations to Denis Bertet whose thesis Aspects of Tikuna grammar (Colombia) has been awarded an accessit for the 2021 thesis prize of Université Lumière Lyon 2.


Matthew Stave has received the fisrt prize for "the best presentation by a post-doctoral researcher" "a usage-based approach to morphological typology" at the 54th annual conference organized by the Societas Linguistica Europaea.
Congrats to him.


Geny Gonzalez Castaño has received an honorable mention for the Mary R. Haas Book Award of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas for her PhD thesis entitled "Una gramática de la lengua namtrik de Totoró - Lengua barbacoa hablada en los Andes colombianos" (Université Lumière Lyon 2).

Sophie BOUTON - 2020

Sophie Bouton, has been awarded the “Prize Human and Social Sciences 2020” of the Association Rayonnement du CNRS: Anciens et Amis du CNRS (A3CNRS), of the Association des Amis de l'Université de Lyon and the Maison des Sciences Humaines Lyon St Etienne (MSH-LSE).

Adam TALLMAN - 2019

Adam Tallman was awarded the Mary R. Haas Book Award - honorable mention of the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas for his PhD entitled A Grammar of Chácobo, a southern Pano language of the northern Bolivian Amazon (PhD, University of Texas, Austin USA).

Elisa DEMURU - 2019

Elisa Demuru has been awarded "the 2019 Foreign Post-Doctoral Prize" of the Association des Amis de l'Université de Lyon.

Find here the video of the award ceremony which took place on :
Thursday, 14 November from 18h to 20h in the Grand Amphitheatre of the University of Lyon 2

The award ceremony was preceded by 2 conferences for the general public on the theme: "What do animals say? ».
Find here the video of the conference "what do bonobos say when they play" presented by Elisa Demuru.

Shelece EASTERDAY - 2019

Shelece EASTERDAY was awarded the prestigious Joseph Greenberg Award of the Association for Linguistic Typology for her PhD thesis entitled Highly Complex Syllable Structure: A Typological Study of its Phonological Characteristics and Diachronic Development (PhD, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA).

Shelece was invited to give a plenary talk on her work at the 13th Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology, which took place in Pavia, Italy (4-6 September 2019).

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