Dernière mise à jour : 26/09/2006  |
Principales publications et conférences
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Carré, R., Divenyi, P. & Mrayati, M., 2017, "Speech: a dynamic process", Mouton De Gruyter |
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Haton, J., Liénard, J. & Carré, R., 1979, "Les synthéses du sesori. Reconnaissance et synthèse de la parole. État de la recherche et du développement.", 31, Institut de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique |
Chapitres dans les ouvrages
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Carré, R., 2009, "Signal dynamics in the production and perception of vowels", in Approaches to Phonological Complexity, Pellegrino, F., Marsico, E., Chitoran, I. & Coupé, C. (eds), Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter |
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Carré, R., 2006, "Speech gestures by deduction, gesture production, and gesture perception", in Dynamics of speech production and perception, Meyer, G., Greenberg, S. & Divenyi, P. (eds), Amsterdam, IOP Press |
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Carré, R. & Hombert, J.M., 2002, "Variabilité phonétique en production et perception de parole : stratégies individuelles (Phonetic variabilities in speech production and perception: individual strategies)", in Invariants et Variabilité dans les Sciences Cognitives, Mazoyer, B., Lautrey, J. & van Geert, P. (eds), Paris, Presses de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Pdf)
Articles de revues
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Carré, R., 2009, "Dynamic properties of an acoustic tube: Prediction of vowel systems", Speech Communication, 51:1, pp. 26-41 |
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Carré, R., 2004, "From acoustic tube to speech production", Speech Communication, 42, pp. 227-240 |
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Carré, R., 2003, "From an acoustic tube to speech production ", Speech communication , 30 |
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Mrayati, M., Carré, R. & Guérin, B., 1988, "Distinctive regions and modes: A new theory of speech production", Speech Communication, 7, pp. 257-286 |
Communications avec actes édités
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Carré, R., Divenyi, P., Serniclaes, W., Ferragne, E., Marsico, E. & Nguyen, V.S., 2011, "Contributions of F1 and F2 (F2’) to the perception of plosive consonants", proc. of Interspeech, Florence, 28-31 août (poster) |
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Carré, R., 2008, "Production and perception of V1V2 described in terms of formant transition rates", proc. of Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Paris, 2008 (poster) |
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Carré, R., Pellegrino, F. & Divenyi, P., 2007, "Speech Dynamics: epistemological aspects", proc. of 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Saarbrücken, 6-10 August 2007 (poster) |
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Al-Tamimi, J., Carré, R. & Marsico, E., 2004, "The status of vowels in Jordanian and Moroccan Arabic: insights from production and perception", proc. of 48th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, USA, 2004, 116/4, pp. 2629 (abstract) (poster) (poster PDF)
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Carré, R., Marsico, E. & Serniclaes, W., 2003, "Formant transition duration versus prevoicing duration in voiced stop identification.", proc. of ICPhS, Barcelone, Espagne, Août |
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Carré, R., Serniclaes, W. & Marsico, E., 2004, "Production and perception of vowel categories", From Sound to Sense Conference, MIT, Cambridge, USA, Mars 2004 |