Dynamic deixis and associated motion in Jóola Fóoñi (Atlantic)
Denis Creissels (DDL)
Like the other Atlantic languages for which the relevant information is available, Jóola Fóoñi (aka Diola-Fogny) does not have nondeictic path directionals, but uses verb morphology to encode dynamic deixis and associated motion. Jóola Fóoñi has a single dynamic deixis/associated motion marker, a verbal suffix with two allomorphs - ʊlɔ and ul. With motion verbs, this suffix indicates that the motion is oriented towards the deictic center, but in combination with verbs that do not encode movement, it acts as an associated movement marker, with a wide range of possible interpretations. Moreover, it can also be used to encode aspectual meanings. This presentation describes the uses of this suffix attested in a corpus of naturalistic texts.