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ven. 08/09/2017 Atelier HELAN2: Dan Dediu "Variation at all levels"

The more we look into it, the more patterned variation between individuals we find at all levels. But does this variation affect language, and if so, how? I will argue in this very informal talk that understanding these patterns of variation and their non-linear effects on language is extremely important for having a full story about language, including its diversity, robustness and complexity. In particular, I will focus on my recent work that tries to connect anatomical variation in the vocal tract with cross-linguistic phonetic and phonological diversity.
ISH Ennat Leger

ven. 08/09/2017 Séminaire DDL- DTT
ISH, salle Elise Rivet
Conférence de :
  • Eva Schultze-Berndt (University of Manchester)
  • Marine Vuillermet (DDL)

dans le cadre des séminaires DDL

Conférence d'Eva Schultze-Berndt (& Denise Angelo (Australian National University)) : "Just you wait! Temporal expressions as the source of grammaticalised apprehensive markers " (9h30-10h30)
The grammatical category of apprehensive (also labelled admonitive, timitive or evitative), encodes the modal meaning of undesirable possibility, with the pragmatic function of threats or warnings. Until recently, this category has not received a great deal of attention in typological or formal semantic research on modality, despite being widespread cross-linguistically, e.g. in Australian, Papuan and Austronesian languages, and in Carib and Pano-Takanan languages of South America (Vuillermet, accepted). Correspondingly, little research exists on the diachronic sources of such markers. Attested sources include complementisers with main verbs of fear and the lexical verb ‘look, watch’ (Lichtenberk 1995), as well as general modal markers of possibility (Bybee et al. 1994: 211; Verstraete 2005; Pakendorf & Schalley 2007). In this paper, we present the first cross-linguistic exploration of the grammaticalisation of temporal connectives as apprehensive markers. Attested cases are found in Pidgin Hawaiian (Roberts 2013), Germanic languages (German nachher ‘afterwards’; Dutch straks ‘soon, later’ (Boogaart 2009)), and Australian languages (e.g. Nhanda urda(mundi) ‘soon, directly’ (Blevins 2001: 80; 103-104); Mangarrayi barlaga ‘now’ (Merlan 1982: 147)). Furthermore, three English-lexified creole languages of the Pacific, Hawai’i Creole, Norf’k, and Northern Australian Kriol, employ a grammaticalised reflex of English by and by in apprehensive function (Mühlhäusler 2010: 356–357; Sakoda and Siegel 2008: 536; Siegel 2011: 545; Angelo & Schultze-Berndt 2016). We propose that the semantic link between the temporal and the apprehensive function involves pragmatic enrichment in the form of a Conventionalised Invited Inference (e.g. Geis and Zwicky 1971; Traugott and Dasher [2001] 2004: 34–40; Traugott 2004: 552–553). The extension of a marker of temporal succession to an apprehensive function builds on the well-established invited inference from temporal succession to causation, in a clausal sequence where the first clause has the illocutionary force of a directive, and the second spells out the undesirable consequence of not heeding the directive, with the temporal marker inviting the inference of a causal link between the two, e.g. Don’t go near that dog! In a moment it will bite you! Indeed, clauses with apprehensive markers are often described as predominantly occuring in the context of a precautionary measure clause, to the extent that they have frequently been classified as subordinate clause markers even if there is strong evidence for their main clause status. A diagnostic of the conventionalisation of the apprehensive function is the potential of the marker to occur without explicit mention of the precautionary measure, and, furthermore, with an unambiguous interpretation of a negative consequence even if the context does not strongly suggest such an interpretation.
Conférence de Marine Vuillermet : "Apprehensional morphology crosslinguistically: a preliminary account with a focus on the Amazon" (11h-12h)
“Apprehensional morphology” subsumes any grammatical morpheme encoding "fear", fear being defined as "a judgement of undesirable possibility" (cf. Verstraete’s (2005) definition of the Apprehensive mood in the non-Pama-Nyungan languages). The goal of this presentation is to examine its crosslinguistic distribution and explore the typological profile of the mor-phemes across different geographic areas. For example, Ese Ejja (Takanan, Amazonian Bolivia and Peru) displays an exceptionally fine semantic granularity with three distinct apprehension-al morphemes (Vuillermet, To appear 2018): the Apprehensive mood marker in (1), the Avertive subordinator in (2), and the Timitive postposition in (3). (1) ’Biya ’biya ’biya ’biya! Kekwa-ka-chana miya! bee bee bee bee pierce-3A-APPREHENSIVE 2SG.ABS ‘Bee, bee, bee, bee! Watch out it might sting you! (2) Owaya ekowijji shijja-ka-ani [e-jja-saja-ki kwajejje]. 3ERG rifle clean-3A-PRS AVERTIVE-MID-block-MID AVERTIVE ‘He cleans his rifle [lest it get blocked].’ (3) Iñawewa kwaji~kwaji-ani ’biya=yajjajo. dog run~RDP-PRS bee=TIMITIVE ‘The dog is running for fear of the bees.’ While all three Ese Ejja morphemes encode fear, i.e. the undesirability and the (high) possi-bility of an event (or the undesirability of an entity from which one expects undesirable events), they differ in locus (verb vs. noun), syntactic scope (main verb vs. subordinate verb vs. nominal phrase) and perspective (that of the speaker vs. that of the main clause subject). Other languages have only one or two markers for similar functions: for instance, the appre-hensional morpheme fang in Marrithyiel (Western Daly; Australia; Green 1989) covers all three functions (1-3). Apart from Lichtenberk’s (1995) seminal paper, which includes data from 9 languages and establishes 4 functions (2 of which are encoded in Ese Ejja by distinct morphemes (illustrated in (1-2)), apprehensional morphology has been little studied from a crosslinguistic perspective. In the light of the functional typology established by Lichtenberk (1995) and Vuillermet (To appear 2018), my presentation will show that apprehensional morphology is a widespread phenomenon, attested in about 70 languages, and particularly frequent in Northern Australia and the Amazon, while virtually absent from the African Macro-Area (Hammarström & Donohue 2014). Using WALS-like maps, I will examine the crosslinguistic distribution of apprehensional morphology not only as a domain, but also function by function, to look for possible areal phenomena, focusing on South American languages.

ven. 22/09/2017 Séminaire DTT - Conférence Albert Álvarez (Universidad de Sonora, Mexico)

The discursive origin of interclausal connectives in Yaqui (Uto-Aztecan)

This paper aims to show and explain the evolutionary path through which a discourse marker of the Yaqui language (Uto-Aztecan) has been recruited for interclausal connectivity purposes. The main point of this study is to propose that two Yaqui interclausal connectives (bwe’ituk and bweta) are the result of a recent formation process that combines a discourse marker (bwe) and linguistic elements associated with the strategies used in the past for marking cause/reason clauses and adversative clauses in Yaqui (Buelna 1890). I will argue that these formations are functionally motivated by the fact that bwe is a discourse connective of discontinuity, that is, a discourse marker that introduces a topic shift. Based on this connecting function, the element bwe has been recruited from discourse to syntax, in order to participate in the creation of two new interclausal connectives that also correspond to thematic reorientation devices: the cause/reason adverbial connectivebwe’ituk and the adversative connective bweta. In the case of reason/cause adverbial clauses, the creation of an adverbial connective out of a discourse marker also illustrates a process of explicitness-driven maturation (Dahl 2004, Bisang 2014), going from economy (hidden complexity) to explicitness (overt complexity), that is, from a multifunctional structure (a participial clause possibly associated with temporal, conditional, purpose and causal interpretations) to a monofunctional structure associated only with a causal interpretation.

Bisang, Walter. 2014. Overt and hidden complexity—two types of complexity and their implications. Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics 50(2): 127-143. Buelna, Eustaquio (ed). 1890. Arte de la Lengua Cahita. México: Imprenta del Gobierno Federal. Dahl, Östen. 2004. The Growth and Maintenance of Linguistic Complexity. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


ven. 29/09/2017 Réunion Interne
Axe DTT - Réunion de rentrée

ven. 29/09/2017 Séminaire DTT - Conférence de Magdalena Lemus (DDL)

The phonology of Yukuna: Some descriptive issues

This talk aims to give an overview of the phonology of Yukuna, a North Amazonian Arawak language of Colombia. After presenting the segment inventories and phonotactics of the language, I will focus on three main unresolved issues of its phonology: i. vowel glottalization, ii. vowel nasalization, and iii. tonal contrasts. For each issue, I will present different possible synchronic analyses: i. vowel glottalization as a segmental or as a suprasegmental feature, ii. vowel nasalization as phonemic or non-phonemic, and lastly, iii. the tonal system as “privative” (H vs. Ø) or as equipollent (H vs. L) (Hyman 2010). Their respective dis/advantages will be discussed from a broader Amazonian typological perspective.

Hyman, Larry. 2010. Amazonia and the Typology of Tone Systems. UC Berkeley: Department of Linguistics. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/4qr2h33t.


ven. 29/09/2017 Réparer l'Homme?
toute la journée
Campus de la Doua

Le colloque Réparer l’Homme? se tiendra le vendredi 29 septembre 2017 sur le Campus de La Doua, à Villeurbanne. Organisé par 3 Collèges Académiques de l’Université de Lyon, et avec le soutien de celle-ci, ce colloque sera l’occasion de croiser regards, expériences et projets autour d’une thématique très ancrée dans le tissu académique lyonnais et stéphanois.
La journée se fera en 2 séquences: des conférences plénières le matin et des ateliers en parallèle sous forme de tables rondes l’après-midi, autour de 4 thèmes:
- Déficits cognitif et langagier (conférence de Lisa Mikesell, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA)
- Réparer le mouvement (conférence de Vance Bergeron, ENS Lyon)
- Réparation ou régénération ? (conférencier invité en attente de confirmation)
- Assistance au geste chirurgical (conférence de Tim Koschmann, South Illinois University, Springfield, USA)
Un site Web ouvrira prochainement pour les inscriptions (gratuites, mais obligatoires), le détail du programme et toutes les informations pratiques.
Bien cordialement,
Kris Lund, coordinatrice du Collège Education, Cognition, Langage
Michel Lance, coordinateur du Collège Ingénierie et Technologie
Guy Mouchiroud, coordinateur du Collège Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé
Jérôme Chevalier, responsable de l'action « Santé » au sein de la fédération d'ingénierie Ingélyse

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