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mar. 31/05/2022 Associated motion in typological and diachronic perspectives (Lecture 4)
MSH-LSE, salle Berty Albrecht (+ visio)
Conférence de :
  • Guillaume Jacques (CRLAO)
  • Antoine Guillaume (DDL)

dans le cadre DILIS : Atelier Typologie sémantique

Introductory course (four lectures) on the topic of associated motion. Lectures 1 (April 12th) and 2 (April 19th) will be given by Antoine Guillaume and lectures 3 (May 17th) and 4 (May 31th) by Guillaume Jacques.

Link to the videoconference room


mar. 07/06/2022 Séminaire de recherche DiLiS
Atelier Typologie sémantique
The cognitive impact of inter- and intra-linguistic preferences for the encoding of locative events in French, English, and Dutch: insights from verbal and non-verbal tasks
MSH-LSE, salle Berty Albrecht
Conférence de :
  • Mégane Lesuisse (Université de Lille, Savoirs, Textes & Langage )

dans le cadre DILIS

The last few decades have witnessed a renewed attention to the linguistic encoding of space, especially with an eye to cross-linguistic differences (Ameka & Levinson, 2007; Talmy, 2000). For locative events (e.g. The vase on the table), French, English, and Dutch differ on the aspect of the locative event that is expressed in the locative verb (Lemmens, 2005). Lemmens (2002) shows that Dutch uses its Cardinal Posture Verbs (CPVs) zitten ‘sit’, staan ‘stand’, and liggen ‘lie’ as compulsory locative makers thus encoding dispositional information about the object, grossly speaking its orientation; a vase is thus said to literally ‘stand on the table’ (De vaas staat op de tafel) if it is in a canonical position. Not specifying these dispositional nuances results in a lack of idiomaticity (Van Osten et al., 2006). In contrast, French and English prefer the neutral être/be: the vase is on the table (Lemmens, 2002, 2005; Lemmens & Slobin, 2008). Strikingly, unlike the case for dynamic motion events (e.g. she ran out of the lab), English patterns neither as French nor as the other Germanic languages, since it tends not to express the manner of location but does nonetheless present some dormant predisposition to the use of CPVs as locative markers (Lesuisse & Lemmens, 2018). These cross-linguistic preferences can lead one to consider the old yet still intriguing question: does our language influence our thought? In other words, do these linguistic preferences influence the cognitive representations French, English, and Dutch speakers have of a same locative event? Our study explores this question in both verbal (Slobin’s thinking-for-speaking hypothesis) and non-verbal contexts (Whorf’s linguistic relativity) through the analysis of recognition memory, linguistic output, and eye-tracking data.
This presentation offers an overview of our results and of our experimental continuum paradigm which comprises three tasks dealing with different aspects of the influence of language on thought. The first task involves two participants and verifies the typological preferences in an interactive setting where the speakers are incited to specify the orientation of the objects. The second task appeals to verbal recognition and investigates typological preferences further in self-oriented speech. Last but not least, the third task consists in a non-verbal recognition task with articulation suppression and appeals to the influence of language beyond the verbal sphere. During the three tasks, the participants’ eye-movements are recorded and analysed (Nparticipants=187). Our presentation reports on several findings regarding the cross-linguistic perception and conceptualisation of static locative events in different experimental contexts.


Ameka, F. K. and S.C. Levinson (2007). Introduction - The typology and semantics of locative predicates: Posturals, positionals and other beasts. Linguistics 45: 847-872. Lemmens, M. (2002). The semantic network of Dutch posture verbs. In J. Newman (ed.) The Linguistics of Sitting, Standing, and Lying. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 103-139.

Lemmens, M. (2005). Motion and location: toward a cognitive typology In G. Girard-Gillet (ed.) Parcours linguistiques. Domaine anglais. 223-244.

Lemmens, M. and D. Slobin (2008). Positie- en bewegingswerkwoorden in het Nederlands, het Engels en het Frans. Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde 118:17-32.

Talmy, L. (2000a). Toward a cognitive semantics. Vol 1. Concept Structuring Systems. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Talmy, L. (2000b). Toward a cognitive semantics. Vol 2. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Van Staden, M., M. Bowerman and M. Verhelst (2006). Some properties of spatial description in Dutch. In S. C. Levinson and D. Wilkins (eds.) Grammars of Space. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 475-511.

Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion : 963 1566 6243
Code secret : Z8Ab3T


ven. 10/06/2022 Réunion Interne
Atelier pour les stagiaires d'orthophonie: imagerie par échographie

Dans cet atelier, Aude Noiray présentera aux étudiants stagiaires en orthophonie la technique d'imagerie par échographie et discutera de son applicabilité pour la recherche en acquisition (a)typique de la parole


lun. 13/06/2022 Réunion Interne
DENDY'n SCIENCE - Journal Club
Rivet (3ème étage)

We would like to reinitiate a regular Journal Club in the DENDY axis to stimulate discussions, cross-pollination of knowledge and experience.

In the next DENDY'n SCIENCE Journal Club we will discuss this intriguing paper :
"Babbling in a vocal learning bat resembles human infant babbling", Fernandez et al. (Sciences, 2021)

How does this work?
- These journal clubs are open to everybody interested in developmental questions
- No prior knowledge of the topic is necessary
- Only one task: to read the paper before the meeting
- The paper will first be briefly introduced before we brainstorm altogether

- Room E. Rivet (3rd floor) + visio



mar. 21/06/2022 Club PAD (Protocole À la Demande) : Setting up an experimental protocol to test the influence of cross-linguistic differences in linguistic expressive resources on how people communicate about emotions
MSH-LSE, salle Frossard (+ visio)
Conférence de :
  • Maïa Ponsonnet (DDL)

dans le cadre DENDY

La réunion se tiendra en mode hybride. Lien pour vidéoconférence : https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/97795990193?pwd=N2VXdzNlWWR5OXpyWE1ydWtSaitrdz09 mdp: 2n5bGS


ven. 24/06/2022 Atelier "Méthodes" - Outils de remédiation en orthophonie
MSH-LSE-Ennat Léger

Alexandra POULET et Manon RAVET : MAKATON Nathan BRUNEL et Elise DELARBRE : Camperdown Ornella ORTELLA et Nina DELAGNEAU : Dynamique Naturelle de la Parole (DNP)


mar. 28/06/2022 Réunion Interne
DENDY : Réunion d'Axe
MSH-LSE, salle Frossard (+ visio)

jeu. 30/06/2022 Réunion Interne
Conseil de laboratoire DDL
MSH-LSE, salle André Frossard

[Note: réunion interne. Seuls sont concernés les 15 membres élus, nommés ou de droit du Conseil de Laboratoire.

Note: internal meeting. Only the 15 elected, appointed or ex-officio members of the Conseil de Laboratoire are concerned.]


ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |