| 4 décembre 2017. Intervention Description de langues amazoniennes, dans le cadre du cours Morphosyntaxe et typologie, L3 de Sciences Du Langage, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble (2h). |
| 17 mars 2017. Intervention Genderlects in the World Languages, dans le cadre du cours Languages of the world (Prof. E. Pederson), Linguistics Department, University of Oregon, Eugene (1h). |
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แสดงฉบับเต็ม / ฉบับย่อ
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Rose, F., 2024, "Mojeño Trinitario classifiers: a multilocus and multifunctional system", 7, Cadernos de Etnolingüística, 126 p., Série Monografias, 978-0-9846008-6-1 (ISBN-13) / 0-9846008-6-8 (ISBN-10) (editor)
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Rose, F., 2011, "Grammaire de l'émérillon teko, une langue tupi-guarani de Guyane française", 10, Louvain, Peeters, XX-489 p., Langues et Sociétés d'Amérique traditionnelle (editeur)
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Van linden, A. & Rose, F. (eds), 2023, "Special Issue: Re-assessing the explanatory potential of the alienability contrast", 61:6, De Gruyter, 302 p., Linguistics (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2023, "Reflexive constructions and middle marking in Mojeño Trinitario", in Reflexive constructions in the world's languages, 3, Janic, K., Puddu, N. & Haspelmath, M. (eds), Research on Comparative Grammar, Berlin, Language Science Press, pp. 765-791 (editor)
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Rose, F. & Van linden, A., 2022, "The derivational use of classifiers in Western Amazonia", in Binominal lexemes in cross-linguistic perspective: Towards a typology of complex lexemes,, 62, Pepper, S., Masini, F. & Mattiola, S. (eds), Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, De Gruyter, pp. 237-276 (preprint)
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Rose, F., 2018, "Are the Tupi-Guarani hierarchical indexing systems really motivated by the person hierarchy?", in Typological Hierarchies in Synchrony and Diachrony, Cristofaro, S. & Zúñiga, F. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 290-307 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2018, "Nonverbal predication and the nonverbal clause type of Mojeño Trinitario", in Nonverbal predication in Amazonian languages, Overall, S., Vallejos, R. & Gildea, S. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 53-84 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2018, "A typology of languages with both grammatical gender and genderlects", in Non-canonical gender systems, Fedden, S., Audring, J. & Corbett, G. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 211-246 (page of editor)
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Rose, F., 2016, "On Finitization", in Finiteness and Nominalization, Chamoreau, C. & Estrada Fernández, Z. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 347-372 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2015, "Innovative complexity in the pronominal paradigm of Mojeño. A result of contact?", in Borrowed morphology, Gardani, F., Arkadiev, P. & Amiridze, N. (eds), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 239-265 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2014, "Mojeño Trinitario", in Lenguas de Bolivia, vol3. Oriente, Crevels, M. & Muysken, P. (eds), Plural Editores, pp. 59-97 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2014, "When vowel deletion blurs reduplication in Mojeño Trinitario", in Reduplication in South-American languages, Goodwin Gómez, G. & van der Voort, H. (eds), Leiden, Brill, pp. 375-399 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2014, "Irrealis and negation in Mojeño Trinitario", in Negation in Arawak languages, Michael, L. & Granadillo, T. (eds), Leiden, Brill, pp. 216-240 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2012, "Borrowing of a Cariban number marker into three Tupi-Guarani languages", in Morphologies in Contact, 10, Vanhove, M., Stolz, T., Urdze, A. & Otsuka, H. (eds), STUF, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, pp. 37-69 (pdf)
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Guillaume, A. & Rose, F., 2010, "Sociative causative markers in South-American languages: a possible areal feature", in Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale. Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels, Floricic, F. (ed), Lyon, ENS Editions, pp. 383-402 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2009, "A hierarchical indexation system: the example of Emerillon (Teko)", in New Challenges in Typology, Epps, P. & Arkhipov, A. (eds), Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 63-83 (pdf)
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Rose, F. & Renault-Lescure, O., 2008, "Contact-induced changes in Amerindian Languages of French Guiana", in Aspects of language contact. New Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Findings with Special Focus on Romancisation Processes, Stolz, T., Salas Palomo, R. & Bakker, D. (eds), Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 349-376 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2007, "As particularidades da língua Emerillon entre as línguas Tupí-Guaraní: O caso da marcação de pessoa", in Línguas e Culturas Tupí, Rodrigues, A. & Cabral, A. (eds), Campinas, Curt Nimuendajú, pp. 325-332 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2005, "Reduplication in Tupi-Guarani languages: going into opposite directions", in Studies on Reduplication, Hurch, B. (ed), Empirical Approaches to Language Typology 28, Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 351-368 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2002, "My hammock = I have a hammock. Possessed nouns constituting possessive clauses in Emérillon (Tupi-Guarani).", in Línguas Indígenas Brasileiras. Fonologia, Gramática e História. Atas do I Encontro Internacional do GTLI da ANPOLL, 1, Cabral, A. & Rodrigues, A. (eds), Belem, Brésil, CNPQ & Universidade federal do Para, pp. 392-402 (pdf)
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Rose, F., 2024, "Teko Ideophones: description of a word class", Linguistic Typology at the Crossroads, 4:1, pp. 91–146 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2021, "Mojeño Trinitario", Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 2021, pp. 1-19 (paper)
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Rose, F., 2019, "Similar but different: the functions of the Mojeño Trinitario root expressing similarity", Faits de Langues, 50:1, pp. 227-245 (journal issue, DOI)
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Rose, F., 2019, "Rhythmic syncope and opacity in Mojeño Trinitario", Phonological data and analysis, 1:2, pp. 1-25 (open access journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2019, "From classifiers to applicatives in Mojeño Trinitario: a new source for applicative markers", Linguistic Typology, 84:2, pp. 435-466 (journal issue, DOI)
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Rose, F., 2018, "The rise and fall of Mojeño diminutives through the centuries", Studies in Language, 42:1 (journal issue)
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de Carvalho, F. & Rose, F., 2018, "Comparative reconstruction of Proto-Mojeño and the phonological diversification of Mojeno dialects", Liames, 18:1, pp. 7-48 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2015, "When "you" and "I" mess around with the hierarchy: a comparative study of Tupi-Guarani hierarchical indexation systems", Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências humanas , 10:2, pp. 347-369 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2015, "On male and female speech and more: categorical gender indexicality in indigenous South American languages", International Journal of American Linguistics, 81:4, pp. 495-537 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2015, "Associated motion in Mojeño Trinitario: some typological considerations
", Folia Linguistica, 49:1, pp. 117-158 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2013, "Finitization. A shift of dependency-coding strategy from Proto-Tupi-Guarani to Emérillon", Diachronica, 30:1, pp. 27-60 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2013, "Le genre du locuteur et de l'allocutaire dans les systèmes pronominaux: genre grammatical et indexicalité du genre
", Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris, 108:1, pp. 381-417 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2013, "Los generolectos del mojeño
", Liames, 13, pp. 115-134 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2012, "Competition for the object status: the effects of referential factors in derived and non-derived ditransitive verbs in Mojeño Trinitario", Linguistic Discovery, 10:3, pp. 17-36 (journal issue)
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Guillaume, A. & Rose, F., 2011, "Introduction to argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages", International Journal of American Linguistics (Special issue on 'Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages', edited by A. Guillaume & F. Rose), 77:4, pp. 459-468 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2011, "Who is the third person? Fluid transitivity in Mojeño Trinitario", IJAL, 77:4, pp. 469-494 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2010, "Dialectes en danger : les derniers locuteurs du mojeño javeriano de Bolivie", Faits de Langues. Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger: locuteurs et linguistes, 35/35, pp. 255-264 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2009, "The origin of serialization. The case of Emerillon", Studies in Language, 33:3, pp. 644-684 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2008, "L’incorporation nominale en émérillon : une approche lexicale et discursive
", Amerindia, 31, pp. 87-112 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2008, "A typological overview of Emerillon, a Tupi-Guarani language from French Guiana", Linguistic Typology, 12:3, pp. 431–460 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2007, "Action répétitive et action répétée : aspect et pluralité verbale dans la réduplication en émérillon", Faits de Langues, 29:La réduplication, pp. 125-143 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2006, "Le syncrétisme adpositions/subordonnants. Proposition de typologie syntaxique", Faits de Langues, 28:Coordination et subordination : typologie et modélisation, pp. 205-216 (journal issue)
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Gordon, M. & Rose, F., 2006, "Emérillon stress: a phonetic and phonological study", Anthropological Linguistics, 48:2, pp. 132-168 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2003, "Le marquage des personnes en émérillon (Tupi-Guarani) : un système d'accord hiérarchique", Faits de Langues, 21, pp. 107-120 (journal issue)
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Rose, F., 2002, "Le problème de la nasalité dans l'inventaire phonologique de l'émérillon", Amérindia, 26-27 , pp. 147-172 (journal issue)
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Gordon, M. & Rose, F., 2019, "Acoustic correlates of metrical proeminence in Mojeño Trinitario", proc. of Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Canberra, 08/08/2019, Calhoun, S., Escudero, P., Tabain, M. & Warren, P. (eds), Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc. (poster) (editor page)
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Rose, F., 2002, "My hammock = I have a hammock. Possessed nouns constituting possessive clauses in Emérillon (Tupi-Guarani)", proc. of I Encontro do GTLI, Belem, Brésil, 8-10 octobre 2001, CNPQ & Universidade federal do Para |
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Rose, F. & Obenaus, A., 2023, "Avances y carencias en la documentación y descripción de idiomas mojeños", proc. of Primer Encuentro Internacional Arawak, Universidad de la Guajira, Colombie, 03/05/2023 (video)
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Rose, F., 2019, "The History of Prepositions in Mojeño Trinitario", proc. of Diacronía y adposiciones: origen y evolución, Hermosillo, Mexique, 14-15 novembre 2019 (video)
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Rose, F., 2022, "Mojeño Trinitario DoReCo data set", Url |
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Rose, F., 2013, "Teko collection", Url |