Training and professional background
Research interests
Awards and research grants
Main publications and conferences
 | PhD in Linguistics in progress.
Provisional title: Une grammaire typologique du nasa yuwe (páez), isolat parlé dans les Andes du Sud-Ouest de la Colombie.
Founding: « Hans Rausing Endangered Language Documentation Program » (HRELDP), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London, 2014-2017.
Keywords: Amerindian language; Southwestern Colombian Andes; Typological Informed Description; Phonology; Morphosyntax
Direction: Antoine GUILLAUME (DDL) et Tulio ROJAS CURIEUX (Université du Cauca, GELPS)
Nasa Yuwe is the vernacular language of an important proportion (ca. 100,000 speakers) of the indigenous Nasa (aka Páez) people (ca. 150,000 ethnic members) in the Southwestern Andes of Colombia. This dissertation’s primary goal is to present a typologically informed study of Nasa Yuwe grammar. Despite the existence of previous studies on Nasa Yuwe, we consider very important to resume the description of this language and propose a corpus-based and typologically oriented study. This approach can provide a wider view and some innovating interpretations to a number of already documented phenomena as well as to others which remain to be discovered. This dissertation is co-supervized by Antoine GUILLAUME (DDL) and Tulio ROJAS CURIEUX (Université du Cauca, GELPS) and funded by a grant Documentation and description of Nasa Yuwe (2014-2017) from the « Hans Rausing Endangered Language Documentation Program » (HRELDP). This grant will allow us to develop an important documentation of Nasa Yuwe, which constitutes an essential part of this project. |
 | September 3-10 2014: Language Documentation Training - Endangered Language Documentation Program - ELDP, SOAS, University of London (UK). |
 | January 13-17 2014: Intensive Seminar - Introduction to fieldwork linguistics. LLACAN laboratory, Villejuif (France). (Resp. Nicolas Quint) |
 | 2013-2014: Master in Linguistic Sciences (Université Lumière Lyon 2, France) |
 | July 1-13 2012: 4th International Summer School 3L Endangered Languages – from documentation to revitalisation, LED-TDR (DDL, ICAR), Lyon (France). |
 | 2011-2013: Master in Anthropology (Universidad del Cauca, Colombia) |
 | Bachelor in Anthropology (Universidad del Cauca, Colombia) |
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 | Nasa yuwe (páez)
 | Morphosyntax
 | Phonetics - Phonology |
 | Sociolinguistics |
 | Linguistic diversity and cultural difference in Colombia |
 | Educative projects, revitalisation. |
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 | Hans Rausing Endangered Language Documentation Program (HRELDP) - Documentation Grant, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, 2014-2017.
 | LABEX – ASLAN mobility grant. Université de Lyon, France. (Offered in order to study a Master in Linguistic Sciences, Université de Lumière Lyon 2), 2013-2014.
 | Study-abroad grant. Colfuturo – Colciencias, Colombia. (Offered in order to study a Master in Linguistic Sciences, Université de Lumière Lyon 2), 2013-2014.
 | ‘Young researchers’ research grant – Virginia Gutiérrez de Pineda. Colciencias, Colombia, 2009.
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Rojas Curieux, T., Gonzales Castaño, G., Díaz Montenegro, E., Tunubala Tombre, L. & Chavaco, A., 2016, "Namoi kilelɨpe as’an c’ipɨk kɨn. Así contaban nuestros mayores", Popayán, SignaArtes Gráficas |
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Comunidad de La Paila Naya, A., Rojas Curieux, T. & Díaz Montenegro, E., 2015, "Kwe’sx nasa yuwete we’wnxi Paylatewe’sx. Léxico del nasa yuwe de La Paila Naya", Popayán, Signa Artes Gráficas |
PhDs and master thesis
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Díaz Montenegro, E., 2014, "Une approche de la sociolinguistique, la phonologie et la morphosyntaxe du nasa yuwe, langue amérindienne du sud-ouest de la Colombie", Mémoire de Master 2 en Sciences du Langage, Faculté des Lettres, Sciences du langage et Arts, Université Lumière Lyon 2, 198, 198 p. |
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Díaz Montenegro, E., 2013, "Usos y significados del nasa yuwe en el espacio escolar. Kapiya’jnxi yatte nasa yuwe we’wenxi thegya’ptha’w", Mémoire du Master en Anthropologie, Département d'Anthropologie, Université du Cauca, Popayán, Colombie, 208 p. |
Chapters in books
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Rojas Curieux, T., Gonzales Castaño, G. & Díaz Montenegro, E., 2019, "Luchando por reactivar las lenguas indígenas: confluencias, avances y perplejidades", in Lenguas en Contacto: Desafíos en la diversidad, Haboud, M. (ed), Quito, Centro de Publicaciones PUCE |
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Díaz Montenegro, E., 2017, "Análisis y adaptación de corpus lingüísticos para la creación de recursos didácticos", in Corpus lingüísticos. Estudio y aplicación en revitalización de lenguas, Rojas Curieux, T. (ed), Corpus lingüísticos. Estudio y aplicación en revitalización de lenguas, Popayán, Editorial Universidad del Cauca |
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Rojas Curieux, T., Gonzales Castaño, G., Díaz Montenegro, E. & Triviño Garzón, L., 2015, "Estado, diversidad y ciudadanía: mirando el departamento del Cauca ", in Universidad, derechos, ciudadanías y pueblos indígenas, Rojas Curieux, T. (ed), Popayán, Editorial Univesidad del Cauca, pp. 11-38 |
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Díaz Montenegro, E. & Carriazo, C., 2009, "Colombia caribeña", in Atlas Sociolingüístico de América Latina y el Caribe, Sichra, I. (ed), UNESCO - FunPROEIB - Andes |
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Díaz Montenegro, E., 2013, "Una mirada a las contradicciones de la revitalización lingüística en el Cauca", Tabula Rasa Revista de Humanidades, 17, pp. 219 – 244 |
Conferences with proceedings
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Díaz Montenegro, E., Gonzales Castaño, G. & Rojas Curieux, T., 2011, "Namoi nam trik pesenamɨtan. Reflexiones sobre el proceso de revitalización de la lengua nam trik de Totoró, Cauca, Colombia"Symposium on Teaching and Learning Indigenous Languages of Latin America, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 30 Octobre - 2 Novembre |
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Díaz Montenegro, E., Gonzales Castaño, G. & Rojas Curieux, T., 2011, "Medios de comunicación masiva, nuevas tecnologías y lenguas amenazadas. Lenguas indígenas del Cauca, Colombia"Endangered Languages - Voices And Images - Proceedings Of FEL XV, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador, 7-10 Septembre |
Conference presentations
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Diaz Montenegro, E. & Easterday, S., 2019, "In search of the origin of complex phonotactic patterns in Spanish loanwords in Nasa Yuwe", Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of America, New York City, USA, 3-6 January, 2019 |