 | 2009-2012: PhD in Linguistics - DDL, Lyon 2 University.
Title of the thesis: The vivaro-alpine Occitan language of Usseaux, description of an endangered language in contact. Supervisors: Colette Grinevald and Michel Bert. (DDL) |
 | 2008-2009: Masters degree (LTMT: Texicology,Traductology and Multilingual Terminology.) Lyon 2 University.
Title of the Master thesis: Study of the alpine Occitan language spoken in Usseaux: Phonology and Space. |
 | 2007-2008: Agrégation (Competitive exam for teacher's training) in English.
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 | Morphosyntax |
 | Language description. (Occitan) |
 | Sociolinguistics: endangered languages, regional and minority languages. |
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 | July-August 2010: Fieldwork in Usseaux, (2 month). Sociolinguistic, phonological and morpho-syntactic data collecting. |
 | October-November 2009: Fieldwork in Usseaux, (1 month). Sociolinguistic, phonological and morpho-syntactic data collecting. |
 | August 2009: Exploratory fieldwork in Usseaux, (1 week). |
 | January 2009: Exploratory fieldwork in Usseaux, province of Turin, Italy (1 week). |
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 | 2010: Aires Culturelles scholarship |
 | 2010: Explo'ra doc scholarship |
 | 2009-2012: doctoral grant. |
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 | 2010-2011: Teacher's assistant. Centre de Langues, Université Lumière Lyon 2. second year English for non-specialists (English as a second language, B1+ level). first year English for specialists. English applied to Anthropology. TOEFL training. |
 | 2009-2010 : Teacher's assistant. Centre de Langues, Université Lumière Lyon 2.
first year English for non-specialists (A2 level).
 | 2008-2009: Teacher's Assistant. English Departement. Université Lumière Lyon 2.
firt year English. Introduction to British literature for specialists.
 | 2008-2009: Teacher's Assistant. Centre de Langues, Université Lumière Lyon 2.
second year English for non specialists (A2+ level).
second year English for non specialists (B1+ level).
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PhDs and master thesis
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Amaro, L., 2014, "L'occitan alpin d'Usseaux, description d'une langue en danger et en contact avec deux aires dialectales (francoprovençale et piémontaise), et sous l'influence de deux langues standards (français et italien).", Thèse de doctorat, Sciences du langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2 (pdf)
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Amaro, L., 2009, "Etude du parler occitan d'Usseaux, Phonologie et expression de l'espace", Mémoire de Master 2, LCE/LEA, Lumière Lyon 2 |
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Amaro, L., 2011, "L'intercompréhension en périphérie d'un espace linguistique: exemple de l'occitan.", L'intercompréhension et les nouveaux défis pour les langues romanes, 1, pp. 157-176 |
Conferences with proceedings
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Bert, M., Grinevald, C. & Amaro, L., 2011, "Evaluation de la vitalité des langues minoritaires: approches quantitatives vs. qualitatives et implications pour la revitalisation", proc. of Vitalità di una lingua minoritaria. Aspetti e proposte metodologiche. Atti del convegno, Bellinzona, Suisse, 15-16 octobre 2010, Moretti, B., Pandolfi, E. & Casoni, M. (eds), Osservatorio Linguistico della Svizzera Italiana, pp. 65-92, Vitality of a Minority Language: aspects and methodological issues |
Conference presentations
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Amaro, L., 2012, "Les temps de la narration dans un parler occitan alpin.", 6ème journée d'étude occitane, Toulouse, 30 mars 2012 |
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Amaro, L., 2011, "Les pronoms clitiques sujets dans un parler occitan alpin", AFLIco IV, Lyon, 24-27 mai 2011 |
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Amaro, L., 2010, "Dynamics of language contact in an occitan border village of Italy. Effects on local identities.", New challenges for multilingualism in Europe., Dubrovnik, Croatie, 10-15 avril 2010 |
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Amaro, L., 2010, "Évolution du L intervocalique simple latin dans les langues romanes: le cas de l'occitan alpin d'Usseaux.", Colloque dia sur la variation et le changement en langues (langues romanes), Gand, Belgique, 13-15 septembre 2010 |