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Coupé, C. & Hombert, J.M., 2001, "Paléo-environnement et cognition", actes de Colloque Inter-disciplinaire en Sciences Cognitives (ARCO) 2001, Lyon, France, Dec. 12-14 (résumé) (poster)


Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Paradigm copying in Tungusic: The Lamunkhin dialect of Even and beyond", Paradigm change in historical reconstruction: the Transeurasian languages and beyond, Mainz, Allemagne, 07/03/2013-08/03/2013


Pakendorf, B., 2014, "Paradigm copying in Tungusic: The Lamunkhin dialect of Ėven and beyond", in Paradigm Change. In the Transeurasian Languages and Beyond, Robbeets, M. & Bisang, W. (eds), Amsterdam, New York, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 287-310  (Couverture)


Decullier, E., Tourmente, B., Dessez, B., Guilhot, N., Witko, A., 2020, "Paramedical students’ perceptions of research: a survey", Current Medical Research & Opinion, 3 (Current Medical Research and Opinion)


Kern, S., Chenu, F., Flavier, S., 2019, "Parcours de soin TDL à travers l'Europe", Journée interdisciplinaire sur les troubles développementaux du langage: de la terminologie à la prise en charge, Lyon, 18/10/2019


Gatt, D., O’Toole, C., Hickey, T., Miekisz, A., Haman, E., dos Santos, C., Kern, S., Rinker, T., Ohana, O., Armon-Lotem, S., 2014, "Parent report of early lexical production in bilingual children across varied contexts", 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 14-18


Gatt, D., O'Toole, C., Hickey, T., Miekisz, A., Haman, E., dos Santos, C., Kern, S., Rinker, T., Ohana, O., Armon-Lotem, S., Kambanoros, M., Taxitari, L., 2013, "Parent report of early lexical production in bilingual children across varied contexts: a CDI study", Child Language Impairment in Multilingual Contexts (Bi-SLI 2013), Cracovie, Pologne, May 27-28


O'Toole, C., Gatt, D., Hickey, T., Miękisz, A., Haman, E., Armon-Lotem, S., Rinker, T., Ohana, O., dos Santos, C., Kern, S., 2016, "Parent report of early lexical production in bilingual children: a cross-linguistic CDI comparison", International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 20:2, pp. 124-145 (lien)


Kern, S., 2006, "Parents/enfants: un langage différent", 250/Juillet, Magazine des parents Toupie (eds)


Charleston, M., Gray, R., Ben Hamed, M., 2005, "Pareto-Parsimony and Historical Linguistics", MBE'O5, Auckland, New Zealand, 19-23 Juin 2005.


Creissels, D., 1999e, "Parfait et statif en tswana", Cahiers Chronos, 4 (La modalité sous tous ses aspects), pp. 185-202


Kern, S., 2013, "Parler Bambin : Intervenir pour prévenir ", proc. of VIème semaine de valorisation de la primeira infancia, Brasilia, 18 au 21 novembre (eds)


Kern, S., 2014, "Parler Bambin, quésaco ? "/48, EJE Journal (eds), pp. 36-38


Kern, S., 2017, "Parler Bambin: un dispositif national innovant", Journée langage et Petite Enfance: comment prévenir les inégalités ? Journée professionnelle organisée par le Conseil Départemental du Puy-de-Dôme, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 28 novembre


Imbert, C., 2010, "Parler d'espace : Diversité des langues et Typologie", Séminaire GIPSA-Lab, Axe Parole et Cognition, Grenoble, 30 septembre 2010


Kern, S., 2014, "Parler, Faire Parler", Assistante maternelle magazine, 15


Kern, S., 2014, "Parler, faire parler"/15, Assistante maternelle magazine (eds)


Canault, M., Gentil, C., 2019, "Parole, articulation et voix : La mutualisation des observations cliniques et scientifiques au service de la formation en orthophonie. ", 1er CONGRÈS INTER-UNIVERSITAIRE Collège des Centres de Formation Universitaire en Orthophonie, Nice, 5-6 avril 2019


Van der Veen, L., 2003-2004, "Participation à la production d'un film documentaire intitulé "Le dictionnaire" sous la direction de Laurent Maget (PIA, ISH, Lyon)", France (eds), 22 minutes


Kern, S., 2013, "Participation à la table ronde « le pari de l’intervention précoce dans le domaine du langage comme outil de prévention des inégalités sociales »", actes de Langagez-vous ! Acquisition du langage et inégalités sociales, Grenoble, 19-20 juin 2013 (eds)


Kern, S., 2019, "Participation à la table ronde de la 4ème Journée de l'Enfance (4 avril)" (eds), Communauté de Communes Beaujolais-Pierres Dorées


Coupé, C., 2012, "Participation à l'émission "La Fabrique de l'Histoire"", Paris (eds), France Culture, 45min (podcast)


Coupé, C., 2017, "Participation au programme de radio de « La Méthode Scientifique» pour une émission sur le thème de l’origine du langage, Maison de la Radio, Paris, 16 mars 2017.", France (eds), France Culture, 1h


Rose, F., 2019, "Participation comme marraine à la Journée Femmes et Sciences", ENS, Lyon, 08/03/2019


Guillaume, A., 2000, "Participial and Switch-Reference in Cavineña", . Post-Graduate Conference of Melbourne University, Melbourne (Australie), 7 octobre 2000.


Creissels, D., 2009, "Participles and finiteness: The case of Akhvakh", Linguistic Discovery, 7:1, pp. 106-130


Rose, F., 2019, "Partons à la découverte des 6000 langues du monde, du patois aux langues des indiens d'Amazonie", Université Populaire de l’Agglomération Valentinoise, Médiathèque La Passerelle, Bourg-les-Valence (26), 10/04/2019


Manus, S., 2010, "Parures, rituels & musiques", Cycle de Conférences, Civilisations, Afrique orientale & australe, Université Tous Âges, Université de Lyon, 6 janvier 2010


Bia, S., Paulin, P., 2005, "Pascale Paulin, Entre art et linguistique, un éternel va-et-vient.", 189, Le Journal du CNRS (eds)


Jisa, H., 2001, "Passive voice constructions in written texts: a crosslinguistic developmental study", Conférence invitée, Hong Kong City University, Chine, 12 février 2001


Jisa, H., Reilly, J., Verhoeven, L., Baruch, E., Rosado, E., 2002a, "Passive voice constructions in written texts: a cross-linguistic developmental study", in Written language and literacy, berman, R., Verhoeven, L. (eds), John Benjamins publishing compagny  (pdf)


Fekete, G., Saidi, D., 2014, "Passzív jelentésű szerkezetek az elbeszélésekben : magyar – tunéziai arab összehasonlító fejlődéstanulmány.", Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle, 69:4, pp. 707-730


Seifen, K., Vittrant, A., Song, J., Bunkham, N., 2021, "Path and Deixis as distinct categories: Evidences from (South-)East Asian languages", SEALS XXX (2021), Online, 06/2021


Seifen, K., Vittrant, A., Song, J., Bunkham, N., 2021, "Path and Deixis as distinct concepts in Burmese, Thai, and Chinese", NAMED 2021, Paris, ENS, 1-2/07/2021


Imbert, C., 2007e, "Path coding and Relational Preverbs in Homeric Greek. A Native American story", Association for Linguistic Typology - 7th Biennial Meeting (ALT VII) , Paris, 25-28 September 2007


Imbert, C., 2008, "Path coding in Old English: functional story of a typological shift", in Historical Englishes in Varieties of Texts and Contexts, Amano, M., Ogura, M., Ohkado, M. (eds), Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, pp. 17-32 (Article (preprint))


Imbert, C., 2008a, "Path coding in Old English: Source vs. Goal asymmetry in post-verbal particles", International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 2008), Munich, 24-30 August 2008


Imbert, C., 2012, "Path: Ways typology has walked through it", Language and Linguistics Compass, 6:4, pp. 236-258 (Article, Link to Journal)


De Almeida, L., 2017, "Patterns in the acquisition of French codas and branching onsets by bilingual children", Séminaire du Centre for Research in Linguistics and Language Sciences, Newcastle, Angleterre


De Almeida, L., 2016, "Patterns of (French) syllable acquisition in bilingual children", Atelier de phonologie , Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage, UMR 7023, Paris


Rosés Labrada, J., 2013, "Patterns of Language Use in Four Venezuelan Mako Communities", 2013 Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 3-6 January


Chenu, F., Ailhaud, E., 2017, "Patterns of pauses in draft and final versions of texts handwritten by 5th grade children", SILE (Symposium international sur la littératie à l'école), Ajaccio, France, 26-27 Juin 2017


Pakendorf, B., 2012, "Patterns of relativization in North Asia: towards a refined typology of prenominal participial relative clauses", in Complex clauses in Cross-linguistic perspective, Diessel, H., Gast, V. (eds), de Gruyter Mouton, pp. 253-283


Hombert, J.M., 2008, "Paul Belloni Du Chaillu : Premier explorateur de l'intérieur du Gabon", Libreville, Janvier


Gayraud, F., Martinie, B., 2004, "Pauses as indicators of sentence planning revisited", AMLAP, Aix en Provence, 16-18 septembre 2004 (poster)


Barkat, M., Gayraud, F., 2009, "Pauses et hésitations dans le discours de patients Alzheimer et chez la personne âgée saine", 3e Journées de Phonétique Clinique, Aix-en-Provence, 4-5 décembre


Witko, A., 2019, "Pédagogie centrée sur l’étudiant primo-arrivant en cursus d’orthophonie-logopédie. Retour d’expérience et perspectives", 1er Congrès Inter-Universitaire CCFUO, Nice, 5 & 6 avril 2019


Manus, S., 2018, "Penultimate shortening in NPs, the case of Símákonde", in Revealing structure, Finding patterns in grammars and using grammatical patterns to elucidate language, A festschrift to honor Larry M. Hyman, Buckley, G., Crane, T., Good, J. (eds), Stanford, CSLI Publications, pp. 139-151


Kim-Dufor, D.H., Ferragne, E., Dufor, O., Astésano, C., Nespoulous, J.L., 2010, "Perception and comprehension of linguistic and affective prosody in children with Landau-Kleffner syndrome", proc. of Speech Prosody, Chicago, 11-14 mai (eds) (poster)


Van der Veen, L., 1995, "Perception de la maladie (introduction)", Pholia, 9, pp. 26-28


Medjo Mvé, P., 1994, "Perception de la maladie chez les Fang", Pholia, 9, pp. 73-94  (pdf)


Dole, M., 2012, "Perception de la parole dans le bruit et Dyslexie: approches comportementale, neuroanatomique et fonctionnelle", Thèse, Doctorat de Sciences Cognitives, Université Lyon 2


Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., 2018, "Perception de la parole et oscillations cérébrales chez les enfants neurotypiques et dysphasiques ", actes de 32èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole, Aix en Provence, 4-8 juin (eds), pp. 222-230  (pdf)


Guiraud, H., Ferragne, E., Bedoin, N., Krifi-Papoz, S., Herbillon, V., Bascoul, A., Gonzalez-Monge, S., Boulenger, V., 2014, "Perception de la parole rapide chez les enfants présentant une dysphasie expressive", actes de 30èmes Journées d'Études sur la Parole, Le Mans, France, 23-27 juin 2014 (eds), pp. 248-256  (pdf)


Jacquier, C., Meunier, F., 2007, "Perception de signaux de parole naturelle lors d’une compression temporelle d’indices acoustiques", actes de Journées fondatrices Perception Sonore, Lyon, France, January 18-19 (eds), pp. 16 (résumé)  (poster)


Krzonowski, J., 2020, "Perception et production de monophtongues de l’anglais par des apprenants francophones : effets d’entraînements en perception et en production", Thèse, École Doctorale Neurosciences et Cognition (NSCo), Université Lumière Lyon2, 184, 184 p. (hal)


Krzonowski, J., Ferragne, E., Pellegrino, F., 2016, "Perception et production de voyelles de l’anglais par des apprenants francophones : effet d’entraînements en perception et en production", actes de Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, Paris, 4-8 juillet (eds), pp. 491-499  (article)


Idiata, D., 1994, "Perception et traitement de la maladie chez les Masangu (Gabon)", Pholia, 9, pp. 95-114  (pdf)


van Leeuwen, F., Miton, H., Firat, R., Boyer, P., 2016, "Perception of Gay Men as Defectors and Commitment to Group Defense Predict Aggressive Homophobia ", Evolutionary Psychology, 14:3


Gaskell, G., Spinelli, E., Meunier, F., 2002, "Perception of Resyllabification in French", Memory & Cognition, 30, pp. 798-810  (pdf)


Jacquier, C., Meunier, F., 2005, "Perception of time-compressed rapid acoustic cues in French CV syllables", proc. of 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech-Interspeech 2005), Lisbonne, Portugal, 4-8 septembre (eds), pp. 1761-1764 (poster)  (pdf)


Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Perception of tones of bisyllabic nouns in Yoruba", Studies in African Linguistics, sup. 6, pp. 109-121


Van Leeuwen, F., Park, J., 2009, "Perceptions of social dangers, moral foundations, and political orientation", Personality and Individual Differences, 47, pp. 169–173


Marin-Lamellet, C., Bedoin, N., Etienne, V., 2008, "Perceptual and attentional deficits for global/local information processing in brain injured drivers", proc. of 4th International Conference on Traffic & Transport Psychology, Washington DC, USA. , August 31 - September 4, 2008 (eds) (abstract)


Vasilescu, I., Pellegrino, F., Hombert, J.M., 2000, "Perceptual Features for the Identification of Romance Languages", proc. of ICSLP'2000, Beijing, 2000 (eds)


Creissels, D., 1998f, "Perfect and stative in Setswana", Conference on African languages and linguistics, Leiden, Pays-bas, 31 août - 2 septembre 1998


Creissels, D., 2018, "Perfective tenses and epistemic modality in Northern Akhvakh", in The semantics of verbal categories in Nakh-Daghestanian languages, Forker, D., Maisak, T. (eds), Leiden / Boston, Brill, pp. 166-187


Cáceres, N., 2010, "Performative modality in Ye'kwana", Mood and modality in the indigenous languages of the Americas, Universiteit Leiden, 25-26 mars


Creissels, D., 2010, "Person deixis in Northern Akhvakh reported speech", Workshop : Reported speech in East Caucasian languages, Lyon, France, 22 September 2010


Creissels, D., 2008, "Person variations in Akhvakh verb morphology: functional motivation and origin of an uncommon pattern", Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, 61:4, pp. 309-325


Fekete, G., 2010, "Perspective and attentional focus in the narration of the Hungarian children", CIAL 2010 : 6th International Conference on Language Acquisition, Barcelone, 8-10 Septembre 2010 (poster)  (pdf)


Bruil, M., 2016, "Perspective-indexing clause types in Ecuadorian Siona. ", 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Napels, Italy, September 1


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Lemus Serrano, M., 2020, "Pervasive Nominalization in Yukuna: An Arawak Language of Colombia", PhD thesis, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2  (pdf)


Guillaume, A., 2009, "Pervasive reduplication processes in Cavineña (Tacanan, Amazonian Bolivia)", 51st International Congress of Americanists. Symposium: Reduplication in the Amazonian languages, Centro Histórico, Mexico City, Mexico, July 19-24, 2009


Mouguiama-Daouda, P., 2007, "Peuples et langues ", in Coeur d'Afrique, Gorilles, cannibales et Pygmées dans le Gabon de Paul Du Chaillu, Hombert, J.M., Perrois , L. (eds), Paris, CNRS Editions, pp. 128-139


Manus, S., 2012, "Phénomènes tonals complexes dans les langues du monde", Séminaire invité, Séminaire de Phonologie de Sophie Wauquier (Master), École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 17 janvier


Coupé, C., Ollagnier-Beldame, M., Cazemajou, A., 2017, "Phénoménologie de la rencontre : Etude des formes de discours intérieur lors d’une première rencontre soignant-soigné", Journée d’étude sur le langage intérieur , Université de Tours, March 22


Hoen, M., Meunier, F., Grataloup, C., Pellegrino, F., Grimault, N., Perrin, F., Perrot, X., Collet, L., 2007, "Phonetic and lexical interferences in informational masking during speech-in-speech comprehension", Speech Communication, 49:12, pp. 905-916  (pdf)


Gayraud, F., Kern, S., 2006, "Phonetic complexity in typical and atypical French children", Child Language Seminar, Newcastle, 19-22 Juillet


Hombert, J.M., 1987, "Phonetic conditioning for the development of nasalization in teke", Pholia, 2, pp. 85-94  (Pdf)


Davis, B., Kern, S., Zink, I., 2007, "Phonetic continuity in babbling and first words? A crosslinguistic answer.", OMLL final conference, Rome, 12-14 december


Krifi, S., Bedoin, N., Herbillon, V., 2005, "Phonetic criteria and printed syllables matching in normal readers and dyslexic children", proc. of 17th European Academy of Childhood Disability Congress, Monaco, 2005, November (eds) (abstract) (poster)


Khattab, G., Al-Tamimi, J., 2008, "Phonetic cues to gemination in Lebanese Arabic", proc. of LabPhon11 (Laboratory Phonology 11: Phonetic detail in the lexicon), Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 30th of June to 2nd of July 2008 (poster)


Hombert, J.M., 1976, "Phonetic explanation of the development of tones from prevocalic consonants", UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics , 33, pp. 23-39  (Pdf)


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Chavand, H., Bedoin, N., 1998, "Phonetic features activation in visual word recognition: The case of the articulation point and the articulation manner", proc. of 10th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Jerusalem, Israel, 1998, September (eds) (abstract) (poster)


Khattab, G., Al-Tamimi, J., 2008, "Phonetic patterns of gemination in Lebanese Arabic", proc. of BAAP (British Association of Academic Phoneticians), Sheffield University, United Kingdom, 31th of March to 2nd of April 2008


Krifi, S., Bedoin, N., Herbillon, V., 2003, "Phonetic priming and backward masking in printed stimuli: A better understanding of normal reading and dyslexia", proc. of 13th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 13), Granada, Spain, 2003, September (eds) (abstract)


Aralova, N., Pakendorf, B., 2017, "Phonetic variation in Negidal: sociolinguistic and contact situation", Workshop “Obsolescing grammars: the effects of language ecology on language structure”, Institut des Sciences de l’Homme, Lyon, France, 16 May 2017


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Meunier, F., Boulenger, V., Gautreau, A., Monatte, V., 2010, "Phonological and lexical competitions during speech-in-speech comprehension", 2nd Workshop on Intelligibility and Quality of Speech in Noise, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas, 8-9 Janvier 2010


Meunier, F., 2010, "Phonological and lexical competitions during speech-in-speech comprehension", Workshop on Intelligibility and Quality of Speech in Noise, Université d'Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8-9 January 2010


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Creissels, D., 2016, "Phonologie segmentale et tonale du soninké (parler du Kingi)", Mandenkan, 55, pp. 11-42


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Easterday, S., 2018, "Phonotactic complexity and morphology: a typological perspective", Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki, 17 December


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Chousou-Polydouri, N., Michael, L., O'Hagan, Z., Gasparini, N., Rose, F., 2015, "Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphosyntactic Data. A case study of Negation in Tupí-Guaraní", Societas Linguistica Europeae, Leiden, 8 October 2015 (HAL)


Hombert, J.M., Grollemund, R., 2018, "Phylogenetic Classification of Grassfields Languages", in Revealing structure: Finding patterns in grammars and using grammatical patterns to elucidate language. A Festschrift to honor Larry M. Hyman, Buckley, G., Crane, T., Good, J. (eds), Stanford, California, CSLI Publications, pp. 85-103


Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., 2011, "Phylogenetic Classification of North Western Bantu Languages", Bantu 4, Berlin, 7-9 April, 2011


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