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Philippson, G. & Montlahuc, M.L., 2003b, "Avant le café : le lexique de l'agriculture pré-coloniale", in Kilimandjaro : Montagne, mémoire, modernité, Bart, F. (ed), Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux


Creissels, D., 2003a, "Adjectifs et adverbes dans les langues subsahariennes", in Typologie des langues d'Afrique et universaux de la grammaire, 1/2 & Sauzet, P., Zribi-Hertz, A. (eds), Paris, L'Harmattan, pp. 17-38


Philippson, G., Montlahuc, M.L., 2003a, "Kilimanjaro Bantu (E60 & E74a)", in The Bantu Languages, Nurse, D., Philippson, G. (eds), London/New York, Routledge, pp. 475-500


Akinci, M.A., Yagmur, K., 2003, "Language use and attitudes of Turkish immigrants in France and their subjective ethnolinguistic vitality perceptions. ", in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Özsoy, S. (eds), Istanbul, Boğaziçi University Press., pp. 299-309.  (pdf)


Akinci, M.A., 2003, "Temporal anchoring of texts in Turkish of first and second generation Turkish immigrants in France. ", in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Turkish Linguistics., Özsoy, S. (eds), Istanbul, Boğaziçi University Press., pp. 289-298.  (pdf)


Akinci, M.A., Backus, A., 2003, "The structure and the role of code-switching in Turkish-French conversations. ", in Languaging and Language practices., 36, Dabelsteen, C., Jorgensen, J. (eds), Copenhagen Studies in Bilingualism, Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen Press., pp. 150-160.  (pdf)


Akinci, M.A., 2003, "Une situation de contact de langues : le cas turc-français des immigrés turcs en France. ", in Contacts de langues : modèles, typologies, interventions., Billiez, J. (eds), Espaces Discursifs, Paris , L’Harmattan., pp. 127-144.  (pdf)


Creissels, D., 2003, "La grammaticalisations des verbes signifiant 'être semblable à' ou 'être égal à'", in Cahiers Chronos 11, xxx, x. (eds), Amsterdam / New York, Rodopi


Creissels, D., 2003, "L'emploi comme auxiliaire du verbe tswana re 'dire'", in Perspectives synchroniques sur la grammaticalisation, Robert, S. (eds), Louvain / Paris, Peeters, pp. 162-185


Grinevald, C., 2003, "El mundo jakalteko visto a través de los clasificadores nominales", in Los espacios mayas: usos, representaciones, creencias, Breton, A., Monod-Becquelin, A. (eds), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, Centro de Estudios Mayas / CEMCA, pp. 261-285  (pdf)


Grinevald, C., Dubois, D., 2003, "En voir de toutes les couleurs : processus de dénomination des couleurs et constructions cognitives", in Langues et cognition, Vandeloise, C. (eds), Hermes Science publications, pp. 79-113  (Pdf)


Grinevald, C., 2003, "Speakers and documentation of endangered languages", in Language Documentation and description, 11, Austin, P. (eds), Londres, ELDP SOAS, pp. 52-72  (pdf)


Meunier, F., Segui, J., 2003, "Identification of spoken prefixed word in French", in Morphological Structure in Language Processing, Baayen, H., Schreuder, R. (eds), Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 337-354


Nurse, D., Philippson, G., 2003, "Towards a historical classification of the Bantu languages", in The Bantu Languages, Nurse, D., Philippson, G. (eds), London / New York, Routledge, pp. 164-81


Patri, S., 2003, "Le nom de Bogomilŭ", in Bogomiles, Patarins et Cathares, Bozóky, E. (eds), Slavica occitania, Toulouse, Publications de l’Université du Mirail, pp. 17-25


Van der Veen, L., 2003, "The B30 Langages", in The Bantu Languages, Nurse, D., Philippson, G. (eds), Routledge Language Family Series, Londres / New-York, Routledge  (pdf)


Voisin, S., 2003, "Le syncrétisme causatif/applicatif", in Typologie des langues d'Afrique et universaux de la grammaire, 2/2, Sauzet , P., Zribi-Hertz, A. (eds), Paris, France, L'Harmattan, pp. 185-203

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