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Creissels, D., 2000a, "Typology", in African languages, an introduction, Heine, B. & Nurse, D. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 232-258


Akinci, M.A., Jisa, H., 2000, "Development of Turkish clause linkage in the narrative texts of Turkish-French bilingual children in France", in Studies in Turkish and Turkic Languages: Proceedings of the 9th Internationl Conference on Turkish Linguistics., Göksel, A., Kerslake, C. (eds), Oxford University, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 317-324.  (pdf)


Akinci, M.A., 2000, "Erreurs, autocorrections et autoreformulations en français chez des enfants bilingues (turc-français) issus de l’immigration en France.", in Bilinguisme : Enrichissements et Conflits., Félici, I. (eds), Paris, Honoré Champion., pp. 275-301.  (pdf)


Grinevald, C., 2000, "A morpho-syntactic typology of classifiers", in System of Nominal Classification, Stenft, G. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 50-92


Grinevald, C., 2000, "Los lingüistas frente a las lenguas indígenas ", in As línguas amazônicas hoje, Queixalós, F., Renault-Lescure, L. (eds), Saõ Paolo, IRD MPEG Instituto Socioambiental, pp. 37-53  (Pdf)


Louali, N., 2000, "Vocalisme berbère et voyelles touarègues", in Etudes Berbères et Chamito-Sémitiques. Mélanges Offerts à Karl-G. Prasse, Chaker, S., Zaborski, A. (eds), Paris-Louvain, Editions Peeters, pp. 263-276


Philippson, G., Nurse, D., 2000, "Gweno, a little known language of Northern Tanzania", in Lugha za Tanzania/languages of Tanzania: Studies dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Clement Maganga, Kahigi, N., Mous, M. (eds), Leiden, Pays-Bas, Leiden university, pp. 233-284  (pdf)

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