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Creissels, D., 2014, "Approche typologique de la notion de sujet", proc. of Du sujet et de son absence dans les langues, Université de Maine, Le Mans, France, 27-28 mars 2014 |
Creissels, D., 2013, "Existential predication in typological perspective", proc. of 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Workshop Space, Time and Existence: Typological, cognitive and philosophical viewpoints, Split, Croatia, 18-21 September 2013 (abstract) |
Creissels, D., 2012, "Aparición y evolución de esquemas de valencia no canónicos y ergatividad", proc. of III Congreso de la Cátedra Luis Michelena, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Pays Basque en Espagne, 8-11 Octubre 2012 (abstract) |
Creissels, D., 2012, "Similarity, suitability, and deontic modalities", proc. of Expressions of similarity from an Africanist and typological perspective, Paris, France, 16/17 July 2012 |
Creissels, D., 2008, "Remarks on so-called "conjunct/disjunct" systems", proc. of Syntax of the world's languages III, Berlin, 25-28 septembre 2008 |
Creissels, D., 2007, "Remarks on split intransitivity", proc. of CSSP - Colloque de Syntaxe et Sémantique à Paris, Paris, 4-6 octobre 2007 |
Creissels, D., 2006a, "Direct and indirect explanations of typological regularities: the case of alignment variations", proc. of SLE 2006 - 39th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Bremen, 30 août - 2 septembre 2006 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2005c, "Tswana verb morphology and the Lexical Integrity Principle", proc. of MMM5 - Mediterranean Morpholgy Meeting, Fréjus, 15-18 septembre 2005 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2005b, "S-O-V-X constituent order and constituent order alternations in West African Languages", proc. of BLS 31, Berkeley, 18-20 février 2005 (pdf)
Creissels, D., 2003c, "Encoding the distinction between localization, the source of motion and the direction of motion: a typological study", proc. of Colloque international Space in languages: linguistic systems and cognitive categories, Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Ulm, Paris, France, 7-8 février 2003 |