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Ailhaud, E., Chenu, F. & Jisa, H., 2016, "A developmental perspective on the units of written French", in Written and spoken language development across the lifespan: Essays in honour of Liliana Tolchinsky, Perera, J., Aparici, M., Rosado, E. & Salas, N. (eds), Springer, pp. 287-305


Bedoin, N., 2016, "Troubles spécifiques du langage écrit", in Le Guide de l'Orthophoniste, Volume 3, Kremer, M., Lederlé, E., Maeden, C. (eds), Lavoisier, Paris, Lavoisier, pp. 1-71


Creissels, D., 2016, "Problematic aspects of coordination and subordination in Mandinka", in Coordination and Subordination: Form and Meaning— Selected Papers from CSI Lisbon 2014, Pratas, F., Pereira, S., Pinto, C. (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 119-133


Creissels, D., 2016, "Word-formation in Akhvakh", in Word-Formation, An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, volume 5, Müller, P., Ohnheiser, I., Olsen, S., Rainer, F. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 3685-3691


Demolin, D., Traill, A., Sicard, G., Hombert, J.M., 2016, "Odour Terminology in !Xóõ", in Lone Tree – Scholarship in the Service of the Koon: Essays in Memory of Anthony T Traill , Vossen, R., Haacke, W. (eds), Rüdiger Köppe Verlag Köln , pp. 107-118


Fabre, D., Hueber, T., Canault, M., Bedoin, N., Archer, A., Bach, C., Lamborion, L., Badin, P., 2016, "Apport de l’échographie linguale à la rééducation orthophonique", in Orthophonie et technologies innovantes, Joyeux, N., Topouzkhanian, S. (eds), Paris, Ortho Edition, pp. 199-225


Gayraud, F., Rode, G., 2016, "Écrire malgré un locked-in syndrome. Effet des contraintes de production sur les choix langagiers", in Sciences du Langage et Neurosciences, Rabatel, A., Temmar, M., Leblanc, J.M. (eds), Limoges, Lambert-Lucas, pp. 141-157


Ghimenton, A., Costa, L., 2016, "Code-switching et socialisation plurilingue au sein de trois familles italophones en France", in Facetten der Mehrsprachigkeit / Reflets du plurilinguisme: Die Wahl der Sprachen: Luxemburg in Europa / Le choix des langues: Le Luxembourg à L'heure Européenne, 10, Langner, M., Jovanovic, V. (eds), Mehrsprachigkeit in Europa / Multilingualism in Europe, Berne, Peter Lang


Ghimenton, A., Depau, G., 2016, "Ideologies and expressed attitudes in Internet: Comparing ethnic identities in two regional communities (Veneto and Sardinia)", in Vanishing languages in context. Ideological, attitudinal and social identity perspectives, Pütz, M., Mundt, N. (eds), Berne, Peter Lang, pp. 173-202


Grinevald, C., Sinha, C., 2016, "North-South Relations in Linguistic Science: Collaboration or Colonialism", in Endangered Languages and Languages in Danger. Issues of documentation, policy, and language rights, Filipović, L., Pütz, M. (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 25-43


Grinevald, C., 2016, "The Jakaltek Popti’ noun classifier system: Changes due to Spanish contact", in Language Contact and Change in the Americas: Studies in honor of Marianne Mithun, Berez Kroeker, A., Hintz, D., Jany, C. (eds), Studies in Language Companion Series 173, Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 273-296  (pdf)


Hombert, J.M., Mouélé, M., Rouby, C., Schaal, B., Sicard, G., 2016, "Basic Odour Terms in Li-Wanzi (a Bantu language spoken in Gabon): an Experimental Approach", in Words For Odours, Language Skills and Cultural Insights, Barkat-Defradas, M., Motte-Florac, E. (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 135-146


Pakendorf, B., Kuz'mina, R., 2016, "Evenskij jazyk [Even]", in Jazyk i obščestvo. Enciklopedija [Language and Society. An Encyclopedia], Mixal'čenko, V. (eds), Izdatel'skij Centr "Azbukovnik", pp. 583-587


Rose, F., 2016, "On Finitization", in Finiteness and Nominalization, Chamoreau, C., Estrada Fernández, Z. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 347-372  (pdf)


Sörés, A., 2016, "Subordinate clauses expressing space", in Subordonnants et subordination à travers les langues, Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot, H., Bertin, A., Sautet, O. (eds), Paris, Honoré Champion, pp. 175-192

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