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Adda, G., Mariani, J., Besacier, L. & Gelas, H., 2013, "Economic and Ethical background of Crowdsourcing for Speech", in Crowdsourcing for Speech Processing Applications to Data Collection, Transcription and Assessment, Eskenazi, M., Levow, G., Meng, H., Parent, G. & Suendermann, D. (eds), John Wiley & Sons


Agyune Ndone, F., 2013, "Mariage et socialisation linguistique des enfants Makina/Shiwa", in Anthropologie de la socialisation , Nkoghe, S. (eds), Paris, L'Harmattan, pp. 307-328


Akinci, M.A., 2013, "Différentes approches de l’analyse des narrations enfantines", in Identités langagières. Mélanges offerts à Régine Delamotte, Laroussi, F., Penloup, M.C. (eds), Rouen, Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre, pp. 35-43


Akinci, M.A., 2013, "Le turc", in Histoire sociale des langues de France, Kremnitz, G., Broudic, F., collectif, H. (eds), Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 823-830


Bert, M., Martin, J.B., 2013, "Le cas de Lyon", in Histoire sociale des langues de France, Kremnitz, G. (eds), Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. 245-248


Bert, M., Martin, J.B., 2013, "Le francoprovençal", in Histoire sociale des langues de France, Kremnitz, G. (eds), Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, pp. 489-501


Coupé, C., Hombert, J.M., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2013, "Investigations into Determinants of the Diversity of the World’s Languages. ", in East Flows the Great River: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. William S-Y. Wang on his 80th Birthday, Shi, F., Peng, G. (eds), Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press, pp. 75-108  (paper)


Creissels, D., 2013, "Control and the evolution of possessive and existential constructions", in Argument structure in flux, van Gelderen, E., Cennamo, M., Barðdal, J. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 461-476


Creissels, D., 2013, "Floating genitives and possessive framing in Northern Akhvakh", in The genitive, Carlier, A., Verstraete, J.C. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 333-354


Creissels, D., 2013, "The generic use of the second person singular pronoun in Mandinka", in Languages across boundaries, studies in memory of Anna Siewierska, Bakker, D., Haspelmath, M. (eds), Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 53-67


Eraso, N., 2013, "Expresión de nociones espaciales de localización en tanimuka (lengua de la Amazonía colombiana)", in Expresión de nociones espaciales en lenguas amazónicas , Ospina Bozzi, A. (eds), Instituto Caro y Cuervo,, Bogotá, Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


François, A., Ponsonnet, M., 2013, "Descriptive linguistics", in Theory in social and cultural anthropology, McGee, J., Warms, R. (eds), Los Angeles et al., Sage, pp. 184-187


Grinevald, C., Pivot, B., 2013, "On the revitalisation of a 'treasure language': the Rama language project of Nicaragua", in Keeping Languages Alive: Documentation, Pedagogy and Revitalization, Jones, M., Ogilvie, S. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 181-197


Guillaume, A., 2013, "Algunas reflexiones sobre las construcciones de verbos seriales ‘contiguas e incorporantes’ y el sistema de movimiento asociado en cavineña", in Expresión de nociones espaciales en lenguas amazónicas, Ospina Bozzi, A. (eds), Bogota, Instituto Caro y Cuervo & Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 17-37


Guillaume, A., 2013, "Reconstructing the category of 'associated motion' in Tacanan languages (Amazonian Bolivia and Peru)", in Historical Linguistics 2011. Selected papers from the 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, 25-30 July 2011, Kikusawa, R., Reid, L. (eds), Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 326, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 129-151


Janic, K., 2013, "The Slavonic Languages and the Development of the Antipassive Marker", in Current Studies in Slavic Linguistics, 146, Kor-Chahine, I. (eds), Studies in Language Companion Series 146, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 61-74


Kopecka, A., 2013, "Describing Motion events in Old and Modern French: discourse effects of a typological change.", in Variation and Change in the Coding of Motion Events, Goschler, J., Stefanowitsch, A. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp. 163-184.


Manfredi, S., Petrollino, S., 2013, "Juba Arabic", in The Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages, Volume III: Pidgins, creoles and mixed languages based on languages from Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas., Michaelis, S., Maurer, P., Haspelmath, M., Huber, M. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 54-65 (oup)


Pakendorf, B., 2013, "Incipient grammaticalization of a redundant purpose clause marker in Lamunxin Ėven: Contact-induced change or independent innovation?", in Shared Grammaticalization. With special focus on Transeurasian languages, Robbeets, M., Cuyckens, H. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 259-283


Pakendorf, B., 2013, "The interplay of language-internal variation and contact influence in language change", in The Interplay of Variation and Change in Contact Settings, Léglise, I., Chamoreau, C. (eds), Amsterdam, John Benjamins, pp. 199-227

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