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Voisin, S., 2006b, "L’infinitif en wolof", in Les formes non finies du verbe, 19/1, Blanvillain, O. & Guilmier, C. (eds), Travaux linguistiques du CERLICO, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes. , pp. 61-83


Voisin, S., 2006a, "Applicatif et emphase", in Constructions verbales et production de sens & Lebaud, D., Paulin, C., Ploog, K. (eds), Besançon, Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté, pp. 155-170


Akinci, M.A., 2006, "La réforme de l’écriture en Turquie", in L’orthographe en questions., Honvault-Ducrocq, R. (eds), Dyalang, Rouen , Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre, pp. 299-319.


Akinci, M.A., Koçbas, D., 2006, "Literacy development in bilingual context: the case of Turkish of bilingual and monolingual children and teenagers. ", in Advances in Turkish Studies., Yağcıoğlu, S., Cem Değer, A. (eds), Izmir, Dokuz Eylül University Press., pp. 547-562.  (pdf)


Bert, M., 2006, "Typologie des locuteurs de langues menacées d'extinction: le cas du francoprovençal et de l'occitan dans la région du Pilat (France)", in Langues et cultures de France et d’ailleurs, Hommages à Jean-Baptiste Martin, Fréchet, C. (eds), Lyon, PUL


Carré, R., 2006, "Speech gestures by deduction, gesture production, and gesture perception", in Dynamics of speech production and perception, Meyer, G., Greenberg, S., Divenyi, P. (eds), Amsterdam, IOP Press


Chenu, F., Jisa, H., 2006, "Caused motion constructions and semantic generality in early acquisition of French", in Constructions in Acquisition, Clark, E., Kelly, B. (eds), Stanford, CSLI, pp. 233-261  (pdf)


Creissels, D., 2006, "Encoding the distinction between location, source, and destination: A typological study", in Space in Languages: Linguistic Systems and Cognitive Categories, Hickmann, M., Robert, S. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 19-28


Grinevald, C., 2006, "A view from the field: An Amerindien view, worrying about ethics and wondering about 'informed consent' ", in Lesser Known Languages in South Asia: Status and policies, Case Studies and Applications of Information Technology, Saxena, A., Borin, L. (eds), Lund, Mouton de Gruyter TiLSM 175, pp. 339-370  (Pdf)


Grinevald, C., 2006, "Encounters at the brink: linguistic fieldwork among speakers of endangered languages", in The Vanishing Languages of the Pacific Rim, Miyaoka, O., Sakiyama, O., Krauss, M. (eds), Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 36-76


Grinevald, C., 2006, "Les langues amérindiennes: état des lieux", in Être Indiens dans les Amériques : Spolitations et résistance ; mobilisations ethniques et politiques du multiculturalisme, Gros, C., Strigler, M. (eds), Paris, Edition de l'Institut des Amériques et Editions de l'Institut des Hautes études de l'Amérique Latine, pp. 175-196  (pdf)


Grinevald, C., 2006, "The expression of static location in a typological perspective", in Space in languages: Linguistic systems and cognitive categories, Hickmann, M., Robert , S. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp. 29-58  (pdf)


Kopecka, A., 2006, "The semantic structure of motion verbs in French: Typological perspectives", in Space in languages: Linguistic systems and cognitive categories, Hickmann, M., Robert, S. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, pp. 83-101.


Lambert-Brétière, R., 2006, "Les constructions sérielles en sɔ en fon et la grammaire constructionnelle", in Constructions verbales et production de sens , Lebaud, D., Paulin, C., Ploog, K. (eds), Besançon, Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté


Lewis, D., 2006, "Contrastive analysis of adversative relational markers using comparable corpora", in Pragmatic Markers in Contrast, Aijmer, K., Simon-Vandenbergen, A.M. (eds), Oxford, Elsevier, pp. 139-153


Lewis, D., 2006, "Discourse particle: a discourse-pragmatic cateogory", in Approaches to Discourse Particles, Fischer, K. (eds), Oxford, Elsevier, pp. 43-60


Van der Veen, L., 2006, "Gabon: Language Situation", in Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Brown, K. (eds), 2nd, Oxford, Elsevier, pp. 708-715

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