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Chapitres dans les ouvrages

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Chenu, F., 2020, "Struggling Writers and Students with a Learning Disability in Writing: Similarities and Differences ", in Writing Instruction and Intervention for Struggling Writers : Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Dunn, M. (ed), Cambridge Scholar Publishing, pp. 61-69


Ghimenton, A., Riley, K., 2020, "A language socialization account of translinguistic mudes in two contexts", in Translinguistics: Negotiating Innovation and Ordinariness & Dovchin, S., Won Lee, J. (eds), London, Routledge Press, pp. 37-48


Gobet, S., 2020, "Exemples de formes linguistiques privilégiées par les enfants sourds pour établir la fonction sujet en français écrit. ", in Langues moins diffusées et moins enseignées (MoDIMEs) : langues enseignées, langues des apprenants | Less widely used and less taught languages : language learners' L1s and languages taught as L2s , 14 & Kakoyianni-Dao, F., Monville-Burston, M., Papadima-Sophocleous, S., Valetopoulos, F. (eds), Peter Lang, pp. 157-172, 978-2-8076-1250-1


Gobet, S., 2020, "L’écrit Pi Sourd : illusion ou réalité? Le cas du mouvement référentiel dans des textes d’enfants sourds ", in Continuité référentielle ou le choix des mots, Dupuy, E., Millogo, V., Lay, M.H. (eds), PUR, pp. 165-184


Gonzales Castaño, G., 2020, "On the existence of egophoricity across clause types in Totoró Namtrik", in Evidentiality, egophoricity and engagement, Bergqvist, H., Kittilä, S. (eds), Berlin, Language Science Press, pp. 165-196


Moisik, S., Dediu, D., 2020, "The ArtiVarK click study: Documenting click production and substitution strategies by learners in a large phonetic training and vocal tract imaging study", in Click Consonants, Sands, B. (eds), Leiden, The Netherlands, Brill


Pakendorf, B., 2020, "Contact and Siberian Languages", in The Handbook of Language Contact, 2nd edition, Hickey, R. (eds), Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 669-688


Pakendorf, B., Aralova, N., 2020, "Even and the Northern Tungusic languages", in The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages, Robbeets, M., Savelyev, A. (eds), Oxford University Press, pp. 288-304


Pakendorf, B., Stapert, E., 2020, "Sakha and Dolgan, the North Siberian Turkic languages", in The Oxford Guide to the Transeurasian Languages, Robbeets, M., Savelyev, A. (eds), Oxford University Press, pp. 430-445


Salanova, A., Tallman, A., 2020, "Ergativity and case domains", in Further Remarks on Nominalizations, Borer, H., Alexadiou, A. (eds), Oxford University Press


Tallman, A., Epps, P., 2020, "Morphological complexity, autonomy, and areality in western Amazonia", in The Complexities of Morphology, Arkadiev, P., Gardani, F. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 230-263

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