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Bach, X., Kopecka, A. & Fagard, B., 2019, "Complex colour denomination in French and Occitan.", in Lexicalization patterns in colour naming: a cross-linguistic perspective, Raffaelli, I., Katunar, D. & Kerovec, B. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 213-236.


Barkat-Defradas, M., Gayraud, F., Köpke, B., Lefèbvre, L., 2019, "Linguistic regression in bilingual patients with Alzheimer's disease", in The Oxford Handbook of Language Attrition, Schmidt, M., Köpke, B. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 136-145


Basirat, A., Tang, M., 2019, "Linguistic information in word embeddings", in Agents and artificial intelligence, van den Herik, J., Rocha, A. (eds), Cham, Springer, pp. 492-513 (doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05453-3_23)


Chevrot, J., Ghimenton, A., 2019, "Bilingualism and bidialectalism", in The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism, De Houwer, A., Ortega, L. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 510–523


Devanna, P., Dediu, D., Vernes, S., 2019, "The Genetics of Language: From complex genes to complex communication", in The Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics, Rueschemeyer, S.A., Gaskell, M. (eds), 2nd, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 865-898


Grinevald, C., Freeland, J., 2019, "The Role of Autonomy in the Revitalization of the Languages of Nicaragua’s Caribbean Coast", in Indigenous Struggle for Autonomy: The Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua, Baracco, L. (eds), Lexington Books, pp. 201- 228


Kern, S., Fekete, G., 2019, "De l'évaluation à l'intervention ", in Le développement précoce du langage oral: théorie, clinique, pratique, Kern, S. (eds), De Boeck Supérieur, pp. 233-256


Kern, S., 2019, "Des premiers mots à la grammaire", in Le développement précoce du langage oral: théorie, clinique, pratique, Kern, S. (eds), De Boeck Supérieur, De Boeck Supérieur, pp. 85-104


Kern, S., Topouzkhanian, S., 2019, "Developmental language disorders in France", in The theory and practice of managing the child developmental language disorder across Europe and beyond, Law, J. (eds), Routledge, pp. 225-234


Kern, S., 2019, "Introduction", in Le développement précoce du langage oral : théorie, clinique, pratique, Kern, S. (eds), De Boeck Supérieur , pp. 7-12


Le Néchet, F., Coupé, C., Mathian, H., Sanders, L., 2019, "What can a Multi-Agent System tell us about the Bantu expansion 3000 years ago", in Integrating qualitative and social science factors in archaeological modelling, Vander Linden, M., Saqalli, M. (eds), Springer, pp. 109-135


Philippson, G., Grollemund, R., 2019, "Classifying Bantu Languages", in The Bantu Languages, Second Edition, Van de Velde, M., Bostoen, K., Nurse, D., Philippson, G. (eds), Routledge Language Family series, London-New-York, Routledge Press, pp. 335-354


Raffaelli, I., Chromý, J., Kopecka, A., 2019, "Lexicalization patterns in color naming in Croatian, Czech, and Polish.", in Lexicalization patterns in color naming: a cross-linguistic perspective, Raffaelli, I., Katunar, D., Kerovec, B. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 269-286.


Rojas Curieux, T., Gonzales Castaño, G., Díaz Montenegro, E., 2019, "Luchando por reactivar las lenguas indígenas: confluencias, avances y perplejidades", in Lenguas en Contacto: Desafíos en la diversidad, Haboud, M. (eds), Quito, Centro de Publicaciones PUCE


Rolle, N., Vuillermet, M., 2019, "Morphologically assigned accent in Ese ejja: Transitivity, dominance, and an initial three-syllable window", in The study of word stress and accent: theories, methods and data, Goedemans, R., van der Hulst, H., Heinz, J. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 361-386 (link)


Seifart, F., 2019, "Contact-induced change", in Language Contact. An International Handbook, Darquennes, J., Salmons, J., Vandenbussche, W. (eds), Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter Mouton (DOI)


Sőrés, A., Hevér-Joly, K., 2019, "Morphology in uralic languages", in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Aronoff, M. (eds), Oxford University Press


Vittrant, A., Watkins, J., 2019, "Appendice : Guideline to describe a South-East Asian language", in The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area, Vittrant, A., Watkins, J. (eds), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 653-686 (Lien)


Vittrant, A., 2019, "Burmese", in The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area, Vittrant, A., Watkins, J. (eds), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 56-130


Vittrant, A., 2019, "Entités et espace : complexité sémantique en birman, entre invariant typologique et contraintes langagières", in Le lexique et ses implications : entre typologie, cognition et culture, 214, Baron, I., Bégioni, L., Herslund, M., Rocchetti, A. (eds), Langages, Armand- Colin, pp. 59-74


Vittrant, A., Watkins, J., 2019, "Introduction", in The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area, Vittrant, A., Watkins, J. (eds), Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 1-11


Witko, A., Ghimenton, A., 2019, "Des premiers mots à leur utilisation en contexte ", in Le développement du langage oral chez l'enfant - Théorie, clinique, pratique, Kern, S. (eds), De Boeck, pp. 93-117

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