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Barbu, S., Nardy, A., Chevrot, J.P., Guellaï, B., Glas, L., Juhel, J. & Lemasson, A., 2015, "Sex differences in language across early childhood: Family socioeconomic status does not impact boys and girls equally", Frontiers in Psychology, 6, pp. 1894 ((article))


Baumard, N., Hyafil, A., Morris, I., Boyer, P., 2015, "Increased Affluence Explains the Emergence of Ascetic Wisdoms and Moralizing Religions ", Current Biology, 25:1, pp. 10-15


Bedoin, N., 2015, "Troubles visuo-attentionnels, troubles de l’orientation spatiale et de l’attention temporelle dans les dyslexies développementales", Rééducation orthophonique, 262, pp. 27-53


Bert, M., Pivot, B., 2015, "Faire vivre la langue, pratiques et discours des associations francoprovençales en Rhône-Alpes", Revue du Centre d’Etudes francopovençales du Val D’Aoste, , pp. 99-110


Bostoen, K., Clist, B., Doumenge, C., Grollemund, R., Hombert, J.M., Koni Muluwa, J., Maley, J., 2015, "Middle to Late Holocene Palaeoclimatic Change and the Early Bantu Expansion in the Rain Forests of West Central-Africa", Current Anthropology, 56:3, pp. 354-384


Boyer, P., Firat, R., Van Leeuwen, F., 2015, "Safety, threat, and stress in intergroup relations: A coalitional index model", Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10, pp. 434-450


Boyer, P., Parren, N., 2015, "Threat-related information suggests competence: a possible factor in the spread of rumors ", PLoS ONE, 10:6


Canault, M., 2015, "Le développement de la motricité bucco-faciale", Rééducation orthophonique, 263, pp. 7-35  (pdf)


Creissels, D., Bao Diop, S., Bassene, A., Cissé, M., Cobbinah, A., Diéye, E., Ndao, D., Quint, N., Renaudier, M., Sall, A., Segerer, G., Voisin, S., 2015, "L’impersonnalité dans les langues de la région sénégambienne", Africana Linguistica, 21, pp. 29-86 (Academia)


Danielsen, S., Gasparini, N., 2015, "News on the Jorá (Tupí-Guaraní): sociolinguistics, description, and classification", Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas, 10:2, pp. 441-466  (pdf)


Firat, R., Boyer, P., 2015, "Coalitional affiliation as a missing link between ethnic polarization and well-being: An empirical test from the European Social Survey ", Social Science Research, 53, pp. 148-161


Gayraud, F., Martinie, B., Bentot, E., Lepillez, A., Tell, L., Cotton, F., Rode, G., 2015, "Written production in a case of locked-in syndrome with bilateral corticopontic degeneration", Neuropsychological Rehabilitation : An International Journal, 25:5, pp. 780-797


Gunnink, H., Sands, B., Pakendorf, B., Bostoen, K., 2015, "Prehistoric language contact in the Kavango-Zambezi transfrontier area: Khoisan influence on southwestern Bantu languages", Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 36:2, pp. 193-232


Leclercq, A.L., Kern, S., Magis, D., Maillart, C., 2015, "Repérer les enfants à risque de développer un trouble langagier en moins de 5 questions : mise au point d’un outil de dépistage rapide destiné aux enfants de 12 à 24 mois", ANAE, 135, pp. 1-5


Macholdt, E., Slatkin, M., Pakendorf, B., Stoneking, M., 2015, "New insights into the history of the C-14010 lactase persistence variant in Eastern and Southern Africa", American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 156:4, pp. 661-664


Maggio, S., Chenu, F., Bes de Berc, G., Pesci, B., Lété, B., Jisa, H., Fayol, M., 2015, "Producing written noun phrases in French", Written Language & Literacy, 18:1, pp. 1–24


Michael, L., Chousou-Polydouri, N., Bartolomei, K., Donnelly, E., Wauters, V., Meira, S., O'Hagan, Z., 2015, "A Bayesian Phylogenetic Classification of Tupí-Guaraní.", Liames, 15:2, pp. 193-221 (pdf)


Oh, Y., Coupé, C., Marsico, E., Pellegrino, F., 2015, "Bridging Phonological System and Lexicon: Insights from a Corpus Study of Functional Load", Journal of Phonetics, 53, pp. 153-176  (final draft)


Rose, F., 2015, "Associated motion in Mojeño Trinitario: some typological considerations ", Folia Linguistica, 49:1, pp. 117-158 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2015, "On male and female speech and more: categorical gender indexicality in indigenous South American languages", International Journal of American Linguistics, 81:4, pp. 495-537 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Rose, F., 2015, "When "you" and "I" mess around with the hierarchy: a comparative study of Tupi-Guarani hierarchical indexation systems", Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências humanas , 10:2, pp. 347-369 (journal issue)


Van Leeuwen, F., Hunt, D., Park, J., 2015, "Is obesity stigma based on perceptions of appearance or character? Theory, evidence, and directions for further study", Evolutionary Psychology, in press


Voisin, S., 2015, "Sur l'origine du suffixe dans le groupe nyun-buy", Linguistique et Langues Africaines, 1, pp. 13-41


Witko, A., 2015, "L’ancrage du projet thérapeutique : espace, temps, personnes et contextes", Rééducation orthophonique, 261, pp. 9-39


Witko, A., 2015, "L’orthophonie à l’heure du numérique", Rééducation orthophonique, 264, pp. 9-26


Yamaguchi, N., dos Santos, C., Kern, S., 2015, "Ce que révèle l’ordre d’acquisition des classes naturelles à propos des harmonies consonantiques", LiDiL, 51, pp. 89-117 (Lien)  (Prefinal version)

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