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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

Themes and actions

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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA

A grammar of Mojeño Trinitario

  Contact person
Francoise ROSE

Scientific framework and objectives

This project aims at writing a reference grammar of the Trinitario dialect of Mojeño, an Arawak language spoken by several thousands of people in Amazonian Bolivia. The language description builds on data collected in the field since 2005, as well as on a few more or less old publications on the language. The grammar will consist of an introduction to the language, the community and the methodology, then a presentation of the phonology, morphophonemics and prosody of the language, followed by a presentation of the parts of speech and their morphological structure, before reaching syntactic issues on the nominal phrase and nominal classification, the verb phrase and valency, from simple clause to complex clauses, and will end with a chapter on discourse.

Resumen en español

  Financial support
  • Soutien à la Mobilité Internationale
    Production de la Grammaire du Mojeño Trinitario
  • Financement de terrain ASLAN WP2
    Data collection and feedback to the Mojeño Trinitario community (Bolivia)
    Labex ASLAN - Université de Lyon
    Mars-avril 2018

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