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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

Themes and actions

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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA

Une grammaire typologique du nasa yuwe (páez), isolat parlé dans les Andes du Sud-Ouest de la Colombie

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Scientific framework and objectives

Nasa Yuwe is the vernacular language of an important proportion (ca. 100,000 speakers) of the indigenous Nasa (aka Páez) people (ca. 150,000 ethnic members) in the Southwestern Andes of Colombia. This dissertation’s primary goal is to present a typologically informed study of Nasa Yuwe grammar. Despite the existence of previous studies on Nasa Yuwe, we consider very important to resume the description of this language and propose a corpus-based and typologically oriented study. This approach can provide a wider view and some innovating interpretations to a number of already documented phenomena as well as to others which remain to be discovered. This dissertation is co-supervized by Antoine GUILLAUME (DDL) and Tulio ROJAS CURIEUX (Université du Cauca, GELPS) and funded by a grant Documentation and description of Nasa Yuwe (2017-2017) from the « Hans Rausing Endangered Language Documentation Program » (HRELDP). This grant will allow us to develop an important documentation of Nasa Yuwe, which constitutes an essential part of this project.

  Financial support
  • ELDP - Individual Graduate Scholarship (IGS)
    Documentation and typological grammar of Nasa Yuwe (Colombia)
    ELDP - Arcadia - SOAS, London University
  • Bourse d'aide à la mobilité sortante
    International training in functional-typological syntax at the University of Oregon towards the elaboration of typological grammars of two southwestern Colombian languages: Nasa Yuwe (Isolate) et Nam Trik (Barbacoan)
    Labex ASLAN - Université de Lyon

ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |