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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

Themes and actions

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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA

Atlas and typology of the Fear grammatical morphemes

  Contact person

Scientific framework and objectives

My postdoctoral project (2016-2018), funded by the Labex labex ASLAN, focuses on the grammatical expression of fear, i.e. the morpho-semantic apprehensional domain, defined as a judgement triggered by an undesirable possibility. The project is built on a detailed study of the semantically and morphologically complex apprehensional system of Ese Ejja (Vuillermet, accepted). This Takanan language spoken in the Peruvian and Bolivian Amazon has three apprehensional morphemes: the apprehensive mood marker chana; the avertive subordinator e- V… kwajejje ‘lest, for fear that’; and the timitive postposition =yajjajo ‘for fear of’.
In order to understand the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic specificities of the three Ese Ejja morphemes, I have identified similar morphemes in over 66 languages of the world. The goals of this postdoctoral project are 1) to determine the geographic distribution of the apprehensional morphemes, 2) to elaborate a stimulus to explore cross-linguistically their fine-grained semantic variation, and 3) to establish their possible diachronic sources.

  Financial support
  • Contrat Postdoctoral ASLAN
    Typological approach to structural properties of morphological systems
    Labex ASLAN - Université de Lyon

ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Terms of use |