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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

Themes and actions

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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA

Motion event encoding in Ancient Greek. A typological corpus based study of Path and Manner expression

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Scientific framework and objectives

This dissertation has been accomplished under the joint supervision of Claudio Iacobini (University of Salerno) and Anetta Kopecka (Université Lumière Lyon 2, DDL) between January 2014 and October 2017. The thesis is a typological corpus based study of motion encoding in Ancient Greek, whose focus are the conceptual components of Path and Manner. Based on a fine grained analysis of five Ancient Greek texts belonging to the historical and dramatic genres, and dating back to the 5th century BC, this study investigates the lexical, grammatical and constructional strategies involved in motion expression, as well as the distribution of the spatial information across the different morphosyntactic and functional categories involved. This dissertation has been funded by a three years doctoral scholarship provided by the University of Salerno and by and a six months ASLAN fellowship.

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