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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

Themes and actions

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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA

EvEs : Events & Space

  Contact person

Scientific framework and objectives

This project of the Fédération de Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques examines the co-expression of spatial and non-spatial events, namely associated motion and associated posture. “Associated motion” is a fairly recent comparative concept first described in Australian languages (Koch 2011; Wilkins 1989) and later in South American languages (Guillaume 2006; 2016). It most often refers to a verbal grammatical category, distinct from TAME and form directionals, and whose function is to associate various manners and types of translational motion to a main event encoded by the lexical verb (e.g. ‘go / come / move and then V’, ‘V and then go / come / move’, ‘V while going / coming / moving’, etc). The term “associated posture” is not as well established. The term was first coined by Enfield (2002) for verb compounding in Lao, and then used by Vuillermet & Grinevald (2016) to describe verbal affixes in Ese Ejja. We will consider it by analogy to the phenomenon of associated motion, in the sense of another grammatical category whose function is to associate various manners and types of posture to a main event encoded by the lexical verb (e.g., ‘V sitting / standing / lying’, etc.).
The project will not only examine the synchronic description of associated motion and posture systems, but also their grammaticalization paths in the sense of Bybee, Perkins & Pagliuca (1994) (see e.g. Caudal & Mailhammer 2016 for Iwaidja; or Vuillermet 2009 for Ese Ejja). The workshop e workshop “Events & Space: Associated Motion & Posture 2” will take place in Paris on December 5, 2018.

  Financial support
  • Projet de recherche TUL
    Events & Space - Mouvement, posture et description d’événements (co-resp. P. Caudal, LLF)
    Fédération TUL

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