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Description, Typology, Fieldwork

Themes and actions

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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA

Valency-changing derivations in Sereer, Dialect of Mar Lodj (Niger-Congo, Atlantic, Senegal)

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Scientific framework and objectives

This doctoral dissertation (2008-2012), funded by a grant from Lyon 2 University (2008-2011) and supervised by Gérard Philippson with the collaboration of Denis Creissels and Sylvie Voisin, deals with valency-changing operations realized by verbal derivations in Sereer, particularly rich in this language. This dissertation also provides a grammatical sketch of a previously non-documented variety spoken in Mar Lodj. The analyses, conducted in a current theoretical and typological framework, are based on spontaneous data and elicitations collected during fieldwork. This dissertation was an opportunity to join the ANR project Sénélangues and to collaborate more closely with Maarten Mous (University of Leiden) thanks to an Explora Doc grant. This dissertation, defended in September 2012, describes some rare phenomena such as the external possession morpheme or the antipassive morpheme specialized in destitution of recipient objects but also provides evidence for the presence of a differential object marking in sereer, which is very uncommon in Niger-Congo.

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