Personal page on academia: http://univ-lyon2.academia.edu/ChloéDarmon
 | Maître de conférences et coordinatrice de la formation de Master - Unité de français, Département de Langues étrangères et de littérature, Université d'Addis-Abeba (depuis 2015) |
 | PhD in Linguistics - DDL, ISH Université Lumière Lyon 2 (2009-...) Title of the Thesis:
A Morphosyntactic Description of Xamtanga: Study of Language Contact from a Diachronic Perspective. Advisor: Gérard Philippson. |
 | MA in Linguistics - ILPGA Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle (2007-2009) Title of the 2nd year Master Thesis: Negation in Amharic - a diachronic and synchronic study in a comparative and areal perspective. Advisors: Jean-Léo Léonard and Delombera Negga.
Title of the 1st year Master Thesis: Negation in Amharic in a comparative and areal perspective. Advisors: Georges Rebuschi and Delombera Negga. |
 | BA in Amharic - Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (2005-2008) |
 | BA in Linguistics - ILPGA Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle (2004-2007) |
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 | Agäw (Central Cushitic) and Ethiopian Semitic languages. |
 | Language Contact inside the Ethiopian Linguistic Area. |
 | Description of the Syntax and verbal Morphology of Xamtanga. |
 | Historical and Comprative Linguistics. |
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 | Participation to the working group languages in contact (DDL) :
- Presentation of the article "Calquing and Metatypy", M. Ross, 2007 (29/11/2011) |
 | Participation to the working group morphosyntax (DDL) :
- Topic and focus in Xamtanga (16/12/2011)
- Applicative periphrasis in Xamtanga (01/07/2011)
- The middle in Xamtanga (30/04/2010). |
 | Member of the ANR Contribution of Linguistics to the History of Sub-Saharan Africa (DDL). |
 | Participation to the working group sequential constructions in Afro-Asiatic (DDL, 2009). |
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 | 2011 (5 months, Jan-Jun): Morphosyntactic data collection in Xamtanga (Wag Himra - Bahir Dar). Visiting Scholar at the French Center of Ethiopian Studies (IFRE 23 - Addis Abeba). |
 | 2009-2010 (7 months, Sep-Feb, Jul): Morphosyntactic data collection in Xamtanga (Wag Himra - Bahir Dar). |
 | 2009 (1 month, Apr): Morphosyntactic data collection in Amharic (Northern Wello). |
 | 2008 (3 months, Aug-Oct): Morphosyntactic data collection in Amharic, Tigrinya, Geez and Xamtanga (Northern Wello - Wag Himra - Bahir Dar). |
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 | 2009-2012: Doctoral Grant.
 | 2010-2011: Fieldwork Fellowship from the French Center of Ethiopian Studies. International Mobility Fellowship Aires Culturelles [Cultural Areas] from Université Lumière Lyon 2. |
 | 2009-2010: Fieldwork Fellowship from the French Center of Ethiopian Studies. Paris Jeunes Aventures Grant from Paris Cityhall for the Les Agäw d'Ethiopie en images [Images from the Agäw people of Ethiopia] project.
 | 2008: Fieldwork Fellowship from the French Center of Ethiopian Studies. Travel Grant from the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations. |
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 | 2010 (15Aug-3Sep): Student at the DGfS-CNRS Summer School on Linguistic Typology, Leipzig, University of Leipzig/MPI EVA. |
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PhDs and master thesis
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Darmon, C., 2015, "A morphosyntactic description of Xamtanga : an Agaw (Central Cushitic) language of the northern Ethiopian highlands", Thèse de Doctorat, Département des Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière lyon 2 |
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Darmon, C., 2009, "La négation amharique - étude diachronique et synchronique dans une perspective comparative et aréale", Mémoire de Master 2, ILPGA, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, 100 p. |
Chapters in books
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Darmon, C., à paraître, "Xamtanga", in The Oxford handbook of Ethiopian languages, Wakjira, B., Meyer, R. & Leyew, Z. (eds), Oxford, Oxford University Press |
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Darmon, C., 2017, "The similative morpheme -(ä)ŋä in Xamtanga: Functions and
grammaticalisation targets", in Similative and equative
constructions: A cross Linguistic perspective, Treis, Y. & Vanhove, M. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 360-385 |
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Darmon, C., 2014, "Benefactive applicative periphrases with yiw- 'give' in Xamtanga", in Explorations in Ethiopian linguistics: Complex predicates, finiteness and interrogativity, Amha, A., Meyer, R. & Treis, Y. (eds), Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, pp. 137-147 |
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Darmon, C., 2010, "L'agäw xamtanga : une langue couchitique en contact avec l'amharique", Pount. Cahiers d'études : Corne de l'Afrique - Arabie du Sud, 4, pp. 169-195 |
Conferences with proceedings
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Darmon, C., 2012, "Light verb constructions in Xamtanga and in the Ethiopian linguistic area", proc. of the 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African languages in context (selected proceedings), University of Maryland, June 10-12 2011, ed. by Michael R. Marlo et al., 183-194. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project (PDF, table of contents)
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Darmon, C., 2011, "Collecting data in Xamtanga: Negation as a case study of interaction between Ethio-Semitic and Central Cushitic", proc. of First international conference on endangered language documentation and tradition, Aristotle University, November 7-9 2008, ed. by Carol Everhard & Elizabeth Mela-Athanasopoulou, 89-100. Thessaloniki: School of English, Department of theoretical & applied linguistics, University studio press S.A |
Invited presentations
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Darmon, C., 2011, "Les fonctions du verbe y- 'dire' en xamtanga", Journée scientifique du LLACAN, LLACAN, Villejuif, 18 Novembre |
Conference presentations
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Darmon, C., 2012, "The similative morpheme (ä)ŋä in Xamtanga: Functions and grammaticalization targets", International Workshop Expressions of Similarity from an Africanist and Typological perspective, LLACAN, Villejuif, 16-17 Juillet |
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Darmon, C., 2012, "Benefactive applicative periphrases with yɨw- ‘give’ in Xamtanga", 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, University of Dire Dawa, 29 Octobre - 2 Novembre |
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Darmon, C., 2011, "Light Verb Constructions in Xamtanga", 42nd Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African languages in context, University of Maryland, 10-12 Juin |
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Darmon, C., 2010, "Simple and Multiple Causatives in Xamtanga", BAALL's First Conference on Afroasiatic Grammar, Université Paris 7, 25-27 Novembre |
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Darmon, C., 2010, "The Weyto Language of Ethiopia: State of the Art", Workshop Language Isolates in Africa, Université Lyon 2, 3-4 Décembre (PDF)