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History and Ecology of Language and languages

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Last update : 28/04/2010     

Guillaume SEGERER





  Main publications and conferences



Vermeir, T., Allassonnière-Tang, M. & Segerer, G., 2024, "LA80: A Lexical Database of 10 Bantu A80 Languages", Journal of Open Humanities Data, 10:42, pp. 1-12


Creissels, D., Bao Diop, S., Bassene, A., Cissé, M., Cobbinah, A., Diéye, E., Ndao, D., Quint, N., Renaudier, M., Sall, A., Segerer, G. & Voisin, S., 2015, "L’impersonnalité dans les langues de la région sénégambienne", Africana Linguistica, 21, pp. 29-86 (Academia)

Conferences with proceedings

Segerer, G. & Flavier, S., 2013, "The RefLex project : documenting and exploring lexical resources in Africa", proc. of Research, records and responsibility (RRR): Ten years of the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC), Melbourne - Australie, 2nd-3rd December 2013

Conference presentations

Segerer, G. & Flavier, S., 2014, "Modèle d'arbre et Proto-langues : Que peut on trouver au niveau synchronique ?", Linguistique comparative historique au XXIe siècle : enjeux théoriques et méthodologiques, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Paris, France, 4 février 2014


Janic, K. & Segerer, G., 2011, "Reciprocal-antipassive polysemy: convergence from unrelated languages", Association for Linguistic Typology, 9th Biennial Conference, Hong Kong, China, July 21–24, 2011

Online Data

Segerer, G. & Flavier, S., 2010-, "RefLex : Reference Lexicon for African Language", Url (Africa, SouthAmerica)

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