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Yoon Mi OH




Equipes :     DiLiS 

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Since March 2019, I've been working as an assistant professor at the Department of French Language and Literature at Ajou University.




2017 - 2019 : Postdoctorado, New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour (NZILBB), University of Canterbury
Proyecto titulado : Statistical learning with and without a lexicon
PI : Jen Hay (NZILBB)


2012 - 2015 : Doctorado en Ciencias del Lenguaje, Laboratorio DDL, Lyon 2
Tesis titulada : Complexité et Information Linguistiques : Approches Quantitatives
Director : François Pellegrino (DDL)


2009 - 2011 : Master Internacional (Erasmus Mundus) en Procesamiento Automático del Lenguaje Natural y Tecnologías Lingüísticas, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona & Universidad de Franche-Comté


2004 - 2008 : Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Francesa, Universidad de Yonsei




Complejidad lingüística y flujo de información


Lingüística quantitativa


Procesamiento de corpus multilingües orales y textuales


Universales del lenguaje y tipología lingüística




Investigadora visitante en el Departamento de lingüística computacional y fonética, Universidad del Sarre, Alemania, 12 enero - 12 abril 2015


Comité de lectura: Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, English World-Wide, Laboratory Phonology, Glossa, y Interspeech




2015 : Beca de estancia en Ciencias del lenguaje (SFB 1102) para el proyecto de investigación - "Information Density and the Predictability of Phonetic Structure", Universidad del Sarre


2012 - 2015 : Contrato doctoral (Labex ASLAN)


2009 - 2011 : Beca Erasmus Mundus de la Unión Europea


2008 : Summa Cum Laude, Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Francesa, Universidad de Yonsei




2017 - 2019 : Tesis doctoral de Moonsun Choi (University of Canterbury, co-dirección)




Complex Systems Summer School (CSSS 2013) - "Collective Behaviour and Mobility in Complex Systems", Le Havre, Francia, 9-18 julio, 2013


Escuela Internacional de Verano de Tecnologías del Lenguaje y del Habla (SSLST 2012), Tarragona, España, 30 julio - 3 agosto, 2012



Tesis de doctorado

Oh, Y., 2015, "Linguistic Complexity and Information: Quantitative Approaches", Thèse de Doctorat, Sciences du Langage, Université Lyon 2, Lyon  (thesis)


Oh, Y., 2011, "Traitement des collocations verbales dans un système de Q/R : les verbes supports et les verbes à particule", Mémoire de Master, Departament de Filologia Francesa i Romànica/UFR Sciences du Langage, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/Université de Franche-Comté

Artículos en revistas

Oh, Y., Todd, S., Beckner, C., Hay, J., King, J. & Needle, J., 2020, "Non-Māori-speaking New Zealanders have a Māori proto-lexicon", Scientific Reports, 10:22318 (article)


Malisz, Z., Brandt, E., Möbius, B., Oh, Y. & Andreeva, B., 2018, "Dimensions of Segmental Variability: Interaction of Prosody and Surprisal in Six Languages", Frontiers in Communication, 3:25


Oh, Y., Coupé, C., Marsico, E. & Pellegrino, F., 2015, "Bridging Phonological System and Lexicon: Insights from a Corpus Study of Functional Load", Journal of Phonetics, 53, pp. 153-176  (final draft)


Oh, Y., 2011, "Treatment of Verbal Collocations in a Q/A System: Light Verbs and Phrasal Verbs", Bulag (Bulletin de Linguistique Appliquée et Générale), 36, pp. 175-195.

Communicaciónes con actos

Oh, Y., Beckner, C., Hay, J. & King, J., 2018, "Phonotactic Sensitivity in Speakers with a Very Small Lexicon"16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon16), Lisbon, Portugal, June 19-23


Oh, Y., Beckner, C., Hay, J., King, J. & Racz, P., 2018, "Word-order Maintains OCP-Place Effects across Word Boundaries in Māori"The International Congress of Linguists (ICL20), Cape Town, South Africa, July 2-6


Schulz, E., Oh, Y., Malisz, Z., Andreeva, B. & Möbius, B., 2016, "Impact of Prosodic Structure and Information Density on Vowel Space Size", proc. of Speech Prosody 2016, Boston, MA, USA, May 31-June 3  (paper)


Coupé, C., Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F. & Marsico, E., 2014, "Cross-linguistic Investigations of Oral and Silent Reading", proc. of Interspeech 2014, Singapore, September 14-18, pp. 514-518 (poster)  (paper, poster)


Oh, Y., Coupé, C. & Pellegrino, F., 2013, "Effect of Bilingualism on Speech Rate: the Case of Catalan and Basque Bilinguals in Spain", proc. of The International Congress of Linguists, Geneva, July 21-27 (poster)  (poster)


Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F., Coupé, C. & Marsico, E., 2013, "Cross-language Comparison of Functional Load for Vowels, Consonants, and Tones", proc. of Interspeech 2013, Lyon, France, August 25-29  (paper)


Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F., Marsico, E. & Coupé, C., 2013, "A Quantitative and Typological Approach to Correlating Linguistic Complexity", proc. of the 5th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, Leuven, Belgium, September 12-14 (abstract)  (paper, slides)


Oh, Y., 2012, "Linguistic Complexity and Information Rate: Quantitative Approaches", proc. of Colloque des doctorants et des jeunes chercheurs (COLDOC) 2012, Traitement de corpus: outils et méthodes, Paris, October 4-5 (poster)  (pdf)


Oh, Y. & Pellegrino, F., 2012, "Quantitative Approaches to Phonological Complexity: the Case of East Asian Languages", proc. of The International Conference of Korean Association for Corpus Linguistics, Busan, South Korea, December 10-11  (slides)

Otros congresos

Coupé, C., Pellegrino, F., Oh, Y. & Dediu, D., 2020, "Evolutionary Perspectives on Speech and Information Rates [poster]", EVOLANG XIII, Brussels, Belgium, 14-17 April 2020


Oh, Y., 2019, "Phonological and Morphological Complexity from a Quantitative and Typological Perspective", Interactive Workshop on Measuring Language Complexity (IWMLC 2019), Freiburg, Germany, September 12-13


Oh, Y., Beckner, C., Hay, J. & King, J., 2018, "Non-Māori Speaking New Zealanders Show Surprisingly Sophisticated Māori Phonotactic Knowledge", 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon16) satellite workshop, , Lisbon, Portugal, June 19-23 (poster)

Artículos en revistas

Oh, Y., Pellegrino, F., Coupé, C. & Marsico, E., 2014, "La complexité des langues du monde", 82, Dossier Pour la Science, pp. 66-71 (site)

Película o radio

Oh, Y., 2020, "¿Qué idioma es más rápido?", Mundo Ciencia, Radio France Internationale (RFI), 20min

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