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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA

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1999  98  97  96  95  94  92  84  83 
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Author Title Year



Bassène, A.C. & Creissels, D., 2011, "Impersonal Constructions in Jóola-Banjal", in Impersonal Constructions: Cross-Linguistic Perspectives, Malchukov, A. & Siewierska, A. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 285-306


Bon, N., 2011, "Itinéraires d'une apprentie: en route vers les Stieng", in Linguistique de terrain sur langues en danger : Locuteurs et linguistes, 35-36, Grinevald, C., Bert, M. (eds), Faits de Langues, Les Cahiers, Paris, Ophrys, pp. 429-442


Brunetti, L., Bott, S., 2011, "Subject inversion in Spanish: a corpus-based study", proc. of Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics QITL4, Berlin, mars 2011 (eds) (abstract) (poster) (html)


Cáceres, N., 2011, "Grammaire fonctionnelle-typologique du ye'kwana, langue caribe du Venezuela", Thèse, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, 464 p. (PDF, 7MB)


Carré, R., Divenyi, P., Serniclaes, W., Ferragne, E., Marsico, E., Nguyen, V.S., 2011, "Contributions of F1 and F2 (F2’) to the perception of plosive consonants", proc. of Interspeech, Florence, 28-31 août (eds) (poster)


Chitoran, I., Creissels, D. (eds), 2011, "Special issue on Caucasian languages", 9/2, Linguistic Discovery


Creissels, D., Mounole, C., 2011, "Animacy and spatial cases: typological tendencies, and the case of Basque", in Case, animacy and semantic roles, Kittilä, S., Västi, K., Ylikoski, J. (eds), Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 157-182


Creissels, D., 2011, "Le bambara", in Dictionnaire des langues, Bonvini, E., Busuttil, J., Peyraube, A. (eds), Paris, PUF, pp. 33-43


Creissels, D., 2011, "Le tswana", in Dictionnaire des langues, Bonvini, E., Busuttil, J., Peyraube, A. (eds), Paris, PUF, pp. 176-184


Creissels, D., 2011, "Les langues Niger-Congo", in Dictionnaire des langues, Bonvini, E., Busuttil, J., Peyraube, A. (eds), Paris, PUF, pp. 13-19


Creissels, D., 2011, "Tswana locatives and their status in the inversion construction", Africana Linguistica, 17, pp. 33-52


Fortis, J.M., Grinevald, C., Kopecka, A., Vittrant, A., 2011, "L'expression de la trajectoire : perspectives typologiques", Faits de Langues, Les Cahiers, 3, pp. 33-42.


Gasparini, N., 2011, "L'expression du nombre dans les langues tupí-guaraní", Mémoire de Master 1, Sciences du langage, Lumière Lyon 2  (pdf)


Gelas, H., Abate, S., Besacier, L., Pellegrino, F., 2011, "Quality assessment of crowdsourcing transcriptions for African languages", proc. of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, 28-31 August (eds)  (paper, poster)


Grinevald, C., 2011, "The expression of path in Jakaltek Popti (Mayan): When directionals do it all", in Representing Language: Essays in honor of Judith Aissen, Guitiérrez-Bravo, R., Mikkelsen, L., Potsdam, E. (eds), Santa Cruz, Linguistics Research Center, University of California, pp. 89-104


Guillaume, A., Rose, F. (eds), 2011, "Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages", 77:4, International Journal of American Linguistics, 162 p. (journal issue)


Guillaume, A., Rose, F., 2011, "Introduction to argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages", International Journal of American Linguistics (Special issue on 'Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages', edited by A. Guillaume & F. Rose), 77:4, pp. 459-468 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Guillaume, A., 2011, "Subordinate clauses, switch-reference and tail-head linkage in Cavineña narratives", in Subordination in Native South-American Languages, Gijn, R., Haude, K., Muysken, P. (eds), Typological Studies in Language 97, Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 109-140 (Editeur)  (pdf of proofs)


Guillaume, A., 2011, "Third person agreement and passive marking in Tacanan languages: a historical perspective", International Journal of American Linguistics (Special issue on 'Argument-encoding systems in Bolivian Amazonian languages', edited by A. Guillaume & F. Rose), 77:4, pp. 521-536


Imbert, C., Grinevald, C., Sörés, A., 2011, "Pour une catégorie de « satellite » de trajectoire dans une approche fonctionnelle-typologique", Faits de Langues - Les Cahiers, 3, pp. 99-116 (Article)


Janic, K., 2011, "On development of antipassive function: what do Australian and Slavonic languages have in common?", in Formalization of Grammar in Slavic Languages. Contributions of the Eighth International Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages: University of Potsdam, December 2-5, 2009, 6/1, Kosta, P., Schürcks, L., Thielemann, N. (eds), Potsdam linguistic investigations, Potsdam, Germany, Peter Lang, pp. 207-220


Kopecka, A., Ishibashi, M., 2011, "L'(a)symétrie dans l'expression de la Source et du But : perspective translinguistique", Les Cahiers de Faits de Langues, 3, pp. 131-149.


Lacroix, R., 2011, "Ditransitive constructions in Laz", Linguistic Discovery, 9


Lewis, D., 2011, "A discourse-constructional approach to the emergence of discourse connectives in English", Linguistics, 49:2, pp. 415-443


Pellegrino, F., 2011, "Rhythm", in the Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences, Hogan, P. (eds), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press  (draft)


Pivot, B., 2011, "¿Qué didáctica para una lengua tesoro? El caso de la revitalización de la lengua rama de Nicaragua.", proc. of Symposium on Teaching and Learning Indigenous Languages of Latin America, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA, 30 octobre au 2 novembre 2011 (eds)  (http://kellogg.nd.edu/STLILLA/proceedings/pivot_benedicte.pdf)


Rose, F., 2011, "De la synchronie à la diachronie : double perspective sur les langues amazoniennes", Habilitation à Diriger les recherches, Sciences Du Langage, Université Lyon 2


Rose, F., 2011, "Grammaire de l'émérillon teko, une langue tupi-guarani de Guyane française", 10, Louvain, Peeters, XX-489 p., Langues et Sociétés d'Amérique traditionnelle (editeur)


Rose, F., 2011, "Who is the third person? Fluid transitivity in Mojeño Trinitario", IJAL, 77:4, pp. 469-494 (journal issue)  (pdf)


Sans, P., 2011, "Is nasality an autosegmental feature in Bésɨro (a.k.a. Chiquitano)?", in Línguas e Culturas Macro-Jê, 2, Arruda Câmara Cabral, A., Dall’Igna Rodrigues, A., Lopes, J., Risolêta Julião, M. (eds), Brasilia, Brésil, Editora Curt Nimuendajú

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