Editor : Anetta KOPECKA
Description of African languages
Description of Latin American Languages
Description of languages from Europe, Asia and Oceania
Phonological typology
Morphosyntactic typology
Semantic typology
Diachronic typology
Fieldwork and data collection
Fieldwork on endangered languages
[Former themes and actions -- archive]
Morphosyntax Workshop
Description of African languages |
For a description of this theme, see the French version of the website (an English translation is forthcoming.) |
 | A descriptive grammar of the Swo language (Bantu A82, Cameroon)
| | Tessa VERMEIR
Bantu languages;
Makaa-Njem group (A80);
Endangered languages;
Language description;
Linguistic fieldwork
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Description of Latin American Languages |
For a description of this theme, see the French version of the website. (An English translation is forthcoming.) |
 | A description of Tikuna, a linguistic isolate of the Amazon (Brazil, Colombia, Peru)
| | Denis BERTET
Tikuna (language); Amazon; linguistic isolate; field linguistics; descriptive linguistics
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 | A grammar of Nam trik, an indigenous language spoken in the Colombian Andes
grammar; Barbacoan languages; Colombian Southwest; endangered languages; linguistic documentation
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 | Sociogrammar of Martinican
| | Minella DUZEROL
Creole ; description ; corpus ; phonology ; morphosyntax ; variation ; interlect ; documentation.
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 | Une grammaire typologique du nasa yuwe (páez), isolat parlé dans les Andes du Sud-Ouest de la Colombie
merindian language; Southwestern Colombian Andes; Typological Informed Description; Phonology; Morphosyntax
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Description of languages from Europe, Asia and Oceania |
In Europe, our team work on several Romance languages (French, Francoprovençal, Occitan and Italian), one Slavic language (Polish) and one Ural language (Hungarian).
In Asia, our investigations cover Burmese (Burma), a Tungusic language of Siberia (evene), two Hmong Mien languages from North Vietnam (Black Hmong and Mopiu), Mandarin Chinese and Nepali (Indo-Aryan).
Finally, in Oceania, we conducted projects to describe two Australian languages (Dalabon and Barunga Kriol) and one Oceanian language (Iaai).
(See the Map of languages studied by members of the DTT axis .)
The study of some of these languages is the subject of collaborations with other research centers in France (eg LACITO ) and abroad (eg MPI from Nijmegen , MICA in Hanoi ) for international projects (eg Research Consortium EoSS ) and workshops / scientific days we regularly organize (eg Languages of Nepal 2014 , Balto-Slavic Languages 2014 ). |
 | A descriptive grammar of Black Hmong, a Hmong Mien language od North Vietnam
| | Léa MOUTON
Vietnam; Hmong-Mien; Grammatical description; Tonal system; Nominal categorization; Lexical composition; Verbal serialization; Expression of space
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 | A Typological and Contrastive Study of ALLER ‘go’/VENIR ‘come’ in French and PAJ ‘go’/MA: ‘come’ in central Thai
| | Nichuta BUNKHAM
paj ‘go’ ; ma: ‘come’ ; motion events, space and time ; deixis
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 | Deixis in the expression of movement in Mandarin Chinese
| | Jin-Ke SONG
motion; dynamic deixis; path; asymmetry; Mandarin Chinese
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Phonological typology |
For a description of this theme, see the French version of the website. (An English translation is forthcoming.) |
 | A typological investigation of the role of morphology in syllable complexity
| | Shelece EASTERDAY
phonological typology; morphological typology; syllable structure; complexity; language change
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Morphosyntactic typology |
For a description of this theme, see the French version of the website. (An English translation is forthcoming.) |
 | A typology of genderlects
| | Françoise ROSE
gender; pragmatics; typology; speech act participants; male speech / female speech
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 | Atlas and typology of the Fear grammatical morphemes
apprehensive; fear; emotion; semantic typology; areal linguistics
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 | Cross-linguistic phonetics and morphology using a time-aligned multilingual reference corpus built from documentations of 50 languages: Big data on small languages
| | Matthew STAVE , François PELLEGRINO
Corpus Linguistics, Language Documentation, Typology, Phonetics,
Information rate
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Semantic typology |
For a description of this theme, see the French version of the website. (An English translation is forthcoming.) |
 | A Typological and Contrastive Study of ALLER ‘go’/VENIR ‘come’ in French and PAJ ‘go’/MA: ‘come’ in central Thai
| | Nichuta BUNKHAM
paj ‘go’ ; ma: ‘come’ ; motion events, space and time ; deixis
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 | A typological study of the (a)symmetrical expression of Path
| | Clément VOIRIN
Path; Source/Goal asymmetry; typological properties; discourse; diachrony
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 | Atlas and typology of the Fear grammatical morphemes
apprehensive; fear; emotion; semantic typology; areal linguistics
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 | Deixis in the expression of movement in Mandarin Chinese
| | Jin-Ke SONG
motion; dynamic deixis; path; asymmetry; Mandarin Chinese
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 | Motion event encoding in Ancient Greek. A typological corpus based study of Path and Manner expression
semantic typology; motion; Ancient Greek; corpus; constructions
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 | Typology of spatial events
| | Anetta KOPECKA
spatial events; lexicalization; grammaticalization; figure; ground; path; manner; cause; verb; satellite
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Diachronic typology |
For a description of this theme, see the French version of the website. (An English translation is forthcoming.) |
Fieldwork and data collection |
For a description of this theme, see the French version of the website. (An English translation is forthcoming.) |
 | ArchiTeBir (ARCHIvage des données de TErrain sur la BIRmanie)
| | Alice VITTRANT
Burman languages; fieldwork; archiving ; digitization
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Fieldwork on endangered languages |
For a description of this theme, see the French version of the website. (An English translation is forthcoming.) |
[Former themes and actions -- archive] |
 | A Grammar of South Eastern Huastec, a Mayan Language from Mexico
| | Ana KONDIC
Mayan languages; Mesoamerican languages; endangered languages; language documentation; Descriptive linguistics
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 | A grammar of the Stieng language, an endangered language of Cambodia and Vietnam
| | Noëllie BON
Stieng; Cambodia; Môn-Khmer; South-East Asia; endangered language; grammar
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 | A morphosyntactic description of Xamtanga, an Agaw (Central Cushitic) language of the northern Ethiopian highlands
| | Chloé DARMON
Cushitic; syntax; morphology; Ethiopian language area
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 | An analysis of Bribri phonology (Chibchan) in typological perspective: nasality and contour geminate
| | Natacha CHEVRIER
phonology; endangered languages; Chibchan languages; Costa Rica; Nicaragua
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 | Egophoric and Epistemic Markers in Barbacoan Languages and Beyond
| | Martine BRUIL
Egophoricity; Epistemic markers; Awapit; Barbacoan Languages; semantic typology
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 | Grammatical description of Ikposo Uwi, a Kwa language from Togo
Niger-Congo; Kwa; description; phonology; tonology; morphosyntax
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 | Iaai today : between linguistic modernization and obsolescence. A study of the evolutions of Ouvea’s language (Loyalty Island, New Caledonia)
| | Anne-Laure DOTTE
iaai; New-Caledonia; modernization; contact; endangered language
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 | The antipassive function in accusative languages
| | Katarzyna JANIC
reflexive; reciprocal; antipassive; valency; polysemy; middle voice; accusative alignment; ergative alignment; typology
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 | The expression of space in Tanimuka
| | Natalia ERASO
Amazonia; Mirití-Paraná; Tanimuka; sociolinguistics; grammar; space; classifiers; verbs of posture and position; serial verb constructions
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 | The language of emotions in Barunga Kriol
creoles; Australia; emotions; typology; linguistic relativity
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 | Valency-changing derivations in Sereer, Dialect of Mar Lodj (Niger-Congo, Atlantic, Senegal)
morphosyntax; valency; grammatical relations; voice; Atlantic languages
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Morphosyntax Workshop |
This workshop, organized by Françoise Rose and Minella Duzerol as part of the activities of the research team “Linguistic diversity and its sources”, is open to all members of the laboratory Dynamique Du Langage (researchers, professors, ITA, post-doc, doctoral students), as well as Master students, members of the Labex ASLAN and any other person interested. The goal is to open a space for presentations and discussions in the domain of morphosyntax, from a typological and functional perspective.
The organizing principle is to work on one on several common topic(s) throughout the year, which can cover a number of working sessions. Each topic is approached both from a typological angle (presentation of the topic, reading reports) and from a descriptive angle with data from particular languages (data from fieldwork, or from grammars). The sessions are informal, allowing for presentation of analyses at any stages, and the discussion are open so that everyone can benefit from suggestions or questions from the group.
The meetings take place every 2 to 3 weeks, with one or two presentations of 30 to 45 minutes each, followed by a discussion. Each topic can last for several sessions.
The topics for the academic year 2020-2021 are Alienability contrasts in grammar and lexicon (led by A. Van linden, University of Liège) and another topic to be defined.
See the programme: