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History and Ecology of Language and languages

Themes and actions

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Editor : Anetta KOPECKA, Brigitte PAKENDORF

Variation, Change and Complexity in Linguistic and Health-related Behaviours (V2C)

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Scientific framework and objectives

This project, funded by a three-year (2018–2021) IDEXLyon Fellowship Grant 16-IDEX-0005 from the Université de Lyon, has two main components, one focused around language and the other around health, connected through their interest in variation, in quantitative approaches and in the complex interactions between individuals and supra-individual systems.


The first component is hosted by the Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (DDL) and the Université Lumière Lyon 2 and focuses on the multi-faceted relationships between individual-level variation and cross linguistic diversity. Currently, it has four members: Marc Tang (Postdoctoral researcher, working mainly on applying quantitative and phylogenetic methods to various questions such as the reconstruction of past linguistic diversity), Natalja Ulrich (PhD student focusing on inter-individual and cross-linguistic variation in fricatives), Rémi Anselme (PhD student working on understanding the spread of change in complex linguistic networks and in the parallels between language and biology), and Dan Dediu (IDEXLyon fellow and project leader, working on a broad range of topics related to variation).

The second component is hosted by the Health Services and Performance Research (HESPER) lab, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and investigates aspects of health behaviors and the complex interactions between the various actors in the health system in chronic care. It is composed of Alexandra Dima (Senior Researcher coordinating the component and expert in health psychology and psychometrics), Luiza Prado (PhD student working on visualizations of data-driven care delivery pathways for care coordination), Gergis Abdalla (PhD student working on validation of medication availability calculations and visualizations for decision support in primary care consultations) and Samuel Allemann (Postdoctoral researcher, currently at Universität Basel); see AdhereR for an example.

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