DDL - UMR 5596
ISH - Bat C
14 avenue Berthelot
69007 Lyon
Tél : 04 72 72 64 12
Fax : 04 72 72 65 90

Développement, Neurocognition, Dysfonctionnements


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Rédactrice : Sophie KERN, Alice Catherine ROY

The DENDY (Development Neurocognition Disorders) axis aims at investigating the development and cognitive processing of language in a lifespan perspective, in both typical and atypical populations.
Our objective is to (1) characterize the nature and weight of the different constraints that shape language acquisition and processing, aand (2) identify their underlying brain mechanisms. Both inherent neurocognitive and motor constraints, as well as external social constraints, pertaining to the production situations and sociolinguistic contexts, are considered. Our research projects gather around two main topics:

  Language and the Motor System
  Variation and communicative and linguistic uses

Through a pluridisciplinary and plurimethodological approach, lying at the interface between (psycho)linguistics, cognitive neuroscience and sociolinguistics, we study language from production to perception and comprehension, in a longitudinal and transversal perspective. This is done by the acquisition and analysis of online and offline data (audio-video recordings in natural contexts, experimental psychology, EEG/MEG, digitizing tablets, eye tracking, movement kinematics, fMRI, questionnaires to caregivers, teachers and health professionals).

The tested populations include individuals from different ages (children, teenagers, adults), with, without or at risk for language disorders (e.g., dyslexia, developmental language disorder, Alzheimer's disease, monolinguals and bilinguals, late speakers). Part of our work furthermore lies at the interface between fundamental and applied research as we aim at developing diagnosis and remediation tools for language deficits, as well as providing strategies for prevention and improvement of language abilities via interventions dedicated to child care professionals.

Collective activities

We organize regular seminars/workshops aimed at discussing ongoing research work or methodologies, and developing collaborations between members of the DENDY axis or of the laboratory as well as with external members. These seminars/workshops are open to all DDL members.

  • DENDY'n Science
  • This seminar aims at sharing our research interests. We can invite speakers, discuss articles of interest (journal club) or present our own research results (resp. K. Pisanski & A. Noiray).

  • Bilingualism seminar
  • This seminar deals with bilingualism from early development to aging. It consists of presentations of our own research results, discussions about articles of interest or invited talks (resp. S. Kern).

  • Methodology
  • This meeting aims at presenting the methods used to conduct our research projects (e.g., movement kinematics, EEG, questionnaires...) so that they are accessible to other members of the lab (resp. M. Canault).

  • Statistics with R
  • This meeting consists of short sessions to introduce the R statistical program to new users, in order to learn to organize and analyze our data using various statistical approaches (resp. J. Krzonowski).

  • Protocol on Demand
  • This meeting is proposed whenever a member of the DENDY axis (or lab) needs to get feedback on her/his experimental protocol as well as on data analysis (resp. V. Boulenger & F. Chenu).

Our methods

Tools developed

ASLAN -  Université de Lyon -  CNRS -  Université Lumière Lyon 2 -  MSH-LSE -  IXXI -  DDL :  Contact |  Mentions légales |