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Diversité Linguistique et ses Sources


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Webmaster de l'axe : Brigitte PAKENDORF, Maïa PONSONNET

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2024  23  22  21  20  19  18  17 
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Auteur Titre Année

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Na, R., under review, "The language ecology and endangerment of Solon: an analysis based on recent fieldwork", Language Documentation and Conservation,


Guillaume, A., To appear, "Takanan languages", in Amazonian Languages. An International Handbook, Epps, P. & Michael, L. (eds), De Gruyter Mouton


Creissels, D., Bertet, D., in prep., "Predicaciones existenciales", in Morfosintaxis: Una mirada desde las Américas, Vallejos Yopán, R., Rosés Labrada, J. (eds),


Duzerol, M., Forthcoming, "Martinican Creole", in SCrolL - The Database of Subordination in Creole Languages, Manfredi, S., Quint, N. (eds), the SCrolL consortium


Tallman, A., forthcoming, "Analysis and falsifiability in practice", Theoretical Linguistics, TBA


Rose, F., accepté, "One more thing ‘thing’ can do in Tupí-Guaraní languages : the Teko filler", in Fillers: hesitatives and placeholders , Pakendorf, B., Rose, F. (eds), Research on Comparative Grammar, Languages Science Press


Duzerol, M., à paraître, "Constituency in Martinican (creole, Martinique)", in Constituency and convergence in the Americas, Tallman, A., Auderset, S., Uchihara, H. (eds), Language Science Press

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