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Diversité Linguistique et ses Sources


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Webmaster de l'axe : Brigitte PAKENDORF, Maïa PONSONNET

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2024  23  22  21  20  19  18  17 
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Anselme, R., Pellegrino, F. & Dediu, D., 2023, "What’s in the r? A review of the usage of the r symbol in the Illustrations of the IPA", Journal of the International Phonetic Association, FirstView, pp. 1-30


Aralova, N., Pakendorf, B., 2023, "Non-canonical possessive constructions in Negidal and other Tungusic languages: a new analysis of the so-called “alienable possession” suffix", Linguistics, 61:6, pp. 1563–1592 (Access article)


Ciccione, L. & Sablé‑Meyer, M., Boissin, E., Josserand, M., Potier‑Watkins, C., Caparos, S., Dehaene, S., 2023, "Trend judgment as a perceptual building block of graphicacy and mathematics, across age, education, and culture", Scientific Reports, 13:10266 (Lien)


Duzerol, M., 2023, "La complémentation et la relativisation en martiniquais (créole, Martinique) : une étude de corpus", Thèse, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 386 p.


Hutin, M., Tang, M., 2023, "L’apport des données participatives pour l’étude linguistique des français du monde : le cas de l’opposition /a∼ɑ/", Journal of French Language Studies, 2023, pp. 1-24 (doi: 10.1017/S0959269523000200)


Josserand, M., 2023, "Impact of inter-individual and inter-group variations on language evolution", Thèse de doctorat, Psychologie cognitive, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, 245 p. (Lien HAL)


Josserand, M., Meeussen, E., Dediu, D., Majid, A., 2023, "Reply to: Sunlight exposure cannot explain "grue" languages", Scientific Reports, 13:1837


Levshina, N., Namboodiripad, S., Tang, M., Kramer, M., Talamo, L., Verkerk, A., Wilmoth, S., Rodriguez, G., Gupton, T., Kidd, E., Liu, Z., Naccarato, C., Nordlinger, R., Panova, A., Stoynova, N., 2023, "Why we need a gradient approach to word order", Linguistics, 61:4, pp. 825-883 (doi: 10.1515/ling-2021-0098)


Levshina,, L., Namboodiripad, S., Tang, M., Kramer, M., Talamo, L., Verkerk, A., Wilmoth, S., Rodriguez, G., Gupton, T., Kidd, E., Liu, Z., Naccarato, C., Nordlinger, R., Panova, A., Stoynova, N., 2023, "Why we need a gradient approach to word order", Linguistics, aop (doi.org/10.1515/ling-2021-0098)


Mouton, L., 2023, "Esquisse grammaticale du hmong noir : étude comparative de l'expression de l'espace dans les langues hmong", Thèse de doctorat, Sciences du Langage, Université Lumière-Lyon 2, Lyon, 372 p.


Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Interjections", in Oxford Guide to Australian languages, Bowern, C. (ed), Oxford University Press, pp. 564-572 (link to open archive)


Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Possession", in Oxford Guide to Australian languages, Bowern, C. (eds), Oxford University Press, pp. 243-252 (link to open archive)


Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Synthèse : Les langues autochtones australiennes. Écologie et idéologies", Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 156, pp. 85-101 (open access link)


Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "The affordances of ‘face’ in Dalabon, Gunwinyguan, non-Paman-Nyungan, Australia", in Embodiment in cross-linguistic studies. The 'face'., Pattillo, K., Wasniewska, M. (eds), Leiden, Boston, Brill, pp. 277-299


Ritz, M.E., Ponsonnet, M., 2023, "Time, Language and Thought: What language can tell us about our concepts of time", in Everywhen. Australia and the language of deep history, McGrath, A., Rademaker, L., Troy, T. (eds), The University of Nebraska Press, pp. 165-192 (link)


Rose, F., 2023, "Reflexive constructions and middle marking in Mojeño Trinitario", in Reflexive constructions in the world's languages, 3, Janic, K., Puddu, N., Haspelmath, M. (eds), Research on Comparative Grammar, Berlin, Language Science Press, pp. 765-791 (editor)  (PDF)


Rose, F., 2023, "Word classes in Maweti-Guaraní languages", in The Oxford Handbook of Word Classes, van Lier, E. (eds), Oxford Handbooks, Oxford University Press  (preprint)


Seifen, K., 2023, "La préparation des données pour une typologie et une ontologie de l’expression du déplacement", in Étudier le Langage à l’Ère Numérique - Actes des 25èmes Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs (RJC) en Sciences du Langage, Carmelo, A., Caillol, C., Morin, C., Velasquez Perez, M., Zhao, C. (eds), HAL, pp. 28-45


Tang, M., Gao, Z.L., Chen, S.A., Her, O.S., 2023, "Phylogenetic analyses for the origin of sortal classifiers in Mongolic, Tungusic, and Turkic languages", Concentric, 49:2, pp. 295-315 (doi: 10.1075/consl.00031.her)


Ulrich, N., Pellegrino, F., Tang, M., 2023, "Intra- and inter-speaker variation in eight Russian fricatives", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153:4, pp. 2285-2297 (doi.org/10.1121/10.0017827)


Van linden, A., Rose, F. (eds), 2023, "Special Issue: Re-assessing the explanatory potential of the alienability contrast", 61:6, De Gruyter, 302 p., Linguistics (journal issue)


Vittrant, A., 2023, "Les langues d’Asie, une complexité cachée", in Simplicité et complexité des langues dans l’histoire des théories linguistiques, 3, Aussant, J, E., Joseph, J., Chloé, L. (eds), Paris, SHESL


Voisin, S., 2023, "Le Wolof et ses variétés", La linguistique : varia, LIX:2, pp. 69-99 (cairn)


Ward, I., Ponsonnet, M., Miceli, L., Dotte-Sarout, E., Rustandi, J., 2023, "How linguistic data can inform archaeological investigations: an Australian case study around combustion features", Open Archaeology, 9:1, pp. doi.org/10.1515/opar-2022-0312 (open access link)

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