DDL - UMR 5596
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Développement, Neurocognition, Dysfonctionnements


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Thibault, S., Koun, E., Salemme, R., Boulenger, V., Roy, A. & Brozzoli, C., Submitted (preprint), "The tool-use cortical network contributes to semantic neural representations", xx, xx (DOI)


Gayraud, F., Barkat-Defradas, M. (eds), sous presse, "Alzheimer, Immigration & Bilinguisme ", Paris, CNRS Edition


Guiraud, H., Boulenger, V., soumis, "Le cerveau au rythme de la parole: le cas du développement langagier typique et atypique", Revue de Neuropsychologie, xx


Boulenger, V., in press, "Evaluating neural tracking of rhythmic information in speech: somes caveats and challenges", in Rhythms of Speech and Language, Strauss, A. & Meyer, L. (eds), Cambridge University Press (preprint)


Valente, D., in preparation, "The role of deviant-letter position on cognate processing", ,


Guiraud, H., Hincapié, A.S., Gonzalez-Monge, S., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., in prep, "Auditory and premotor neuronal entrainment to normal and fast speech rhythms: a MEG study in typically developing children", xx, xx


Mantillo-Ramos, Y., Hincapié-Casas, A., Pascarella, A., Lajnef, T., Jerbi, K., Boulenger, V., in prep, "Cortical oscillations track changes in speech fundamental frequency at different speech rates", xx, xx

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